Mvorisek Czech Republic - Michael Voříšek
Archiv: 01.02.2017 - Mvorisek RSS
- Euro posiluje - 08:13

Deep in IT - Mvorisek RSS
- Be Quiet! uvedl zdroje Pure Power 10 s 80Plus Silver - 15:30
- Hynix oznámil dostupnost HBM2 - 13:00
- Odhalujeme nejočekávanější RPG hry roku 2017 (+ anketa) - 11:45
- SK Hynix letos uvede 3D NAND flash čipy se 72 vrstvami - 10:30
- Bethesda pro Fallout 4 HRTP doporučila Radeon RX 490 - 08:00
- Ektachrome ano, Kodachrome ne - 00:00

PCTuning - Mvorisek RSS

Svět hardware - Mvorisek RSS
- LG UltraFine 5K mají zásadní problém s rušením od Wi-Fi - 14:45
- LIDAR umožnil nebývalé zmapování dávno zaniklých cest Mayů - 13:00
- NVIDIA k výkonným kartám přidá nový Ghost Recon, či For Honor - 12:18
- Finanční výsledky AMD opět překonaly předpoklady analytiků - 11:26
- MSI reaguje na nepříznivý test svého M.2 Shield - 10:52

TechSpot - Mvorisek RSS
- The OnePlus 3T cheated on benchmarks and got caught red-handed - 23:30
- Oculus ordered to pay ZeniMax $500 million in lawsuit - 22:56
- Nintendo prices Switch online subscription, debuts inaugural Super Bowl commercial - 22:15
- Charter sued by New York Attorney General over fraudulent internet speed claims - 21:30
- Amazon to build first air cargo hub in Kentucky - 20:46
- EU agrees on final details to end all wireless roaming charges - 20:00
- Kickstarter buys Huzza, the video streaming platform powering Kickstarter Live - 19:00
- Facebook is reportedly moving into the TV market with an app for set-top boxes - 18:00
- New AMD Hotfix for Conan Exiles and Ghost Recon Wildlands is out - 17:31
- Check out the most Googled car brands in every country - 16:45
- Boost your resume with the CompTIA IT Certification Bundle - 16:15
- Carnegie Mellon AI claims "historic" victory after beating four of the world's top poker players - 15:30
- Tesla's grid-connected Powerpack station comes online in California - 14:46
- LG admits that its 5K Ultrafine display sold by Apple doesn't work when near a router - 14:00
- Comcast Xfinity TV app lets you watch pay-TV on your Roku box - 13:00
- Facebook algorithm update aims to remove spam and clickbait from your newsfeed - 12:15
- Asrock Z270 Extreme4 & Fatal1ty Z270 Gaming K6 Review - 06:00
- Apple just broke its all time quarterly revenue record - 04:00
- CD Projekt Red forum hack exposed 1.9 million accounts, only now word is 'getting out' - 00:00

Hack a Day - Mvorisek RSS

Linear Technology - Mvorisek RSS
- 300MHz to 6GHz Dual Wideband Mixer with Programmable Gain Amplifiers Enables 5G Wireless Access - 17:00