Mvorisek Czech Republic - Michael Voříšek
Archiv: 01.03.2013

DIY Drones - Mvorisek RSS
- Pushing the wrong button: Bad button placement leads to drone crashes - 20:30
- Using the WiFly RN-XV from Roving Networks - 19:00
- New ROS package for AR.Drone - 16:32
- APM at the Australian International Airshow - 15:00
- What does Desktop Fabrication mean to HeX? - 10:09
- OlliW's ESC firmware 10 - 10:00
- 25% Discount at Our New Store - 05:24
- Drones set for large-scale commercial take-off in Australia - 03:30
- Controlling a toy helicopter with an Xbox 360 controller - 02:21
- 9xTend vs RFD900 Radio High-altitude Test - 00:42 - Mvorisek RSS
- Pohodlná a bezpečná instalace LED pásů s novými profily - 07:32
- Premier Farnell navázal spolupráci s Coilcraft - 07:31 - Mvorisek RSS
- Zásobovací let k ISS se dostal do potíží, měl problémy s motory - 23:04
- Více tablet než ultrabook. Levný konvertibilní Acer potěší výdrží - 08:55
- Software zdarma: Nové rozhraní z Windows 8 i pro starší systémy - 00:00
- Měl Einstein opravdu pětku z matematiky? Ne, odmaturoval s šestkami - 00:00

Deep in IT - Mvorisek RSS
- Microsoft pokazil tabletová Windows RT, míní ARM, ale může to zachránit - 00:00
- EA: Playstation 4 prodraží vývoj her o 5 až 10 % - 00:00
- 4k online distribuce dle Sony: špičková kvalita na úrovni Blu-ray - 00:00
- AMD: Zainvestujeme více do ovladačů, vyplatí se to - 00:00
- Samsung šlápne na plyn, zdvojnásobí prodeje tabletů - 00:00
- ST-Ericsson předvedla 3GHz quad-core ARM pro smartphony - 00:00
- Catalyst 13.2 beta 7 - 00:00

PCTuning - Mvorisek RSS

Svět hardware - Mvorisek RSS
- Recenze: Sencor Element 9.7 v2: levná Retina - 01:00
- LG uvádí nejmenší bezdrátovou nabíječku - 17:00
- Philips představí nové velké monitory na CeBITu - 16:00
- Víkendová diskuze: Televize včera a dnes - 13:00
- Sharkoon má nový 350W částečně modulární zdroj - 09:00
- Fujitsu Stylistic M702 - tablet do nepohodlí - 07:00

TechSpot - Mvorisek RSS
- Only 29% of core gamers to purchase next-gen console at launch - 23:00
- HGST doubles HDD capacities by combining self-assembling molecules, nanoimprinting - 22:30
- Easter egg: YouTube does the Harlem Shake - 22:00
- Weekend game deals: Borderlands 2 $24, Natural Selection 2 $12.49 - 21:30
- Sony's upcoming 4K movie delivery service likely to work on the PS4 - 21:00
- FCC will investigate phone unlocking ban, cites innovation, competition concerns - 20:00
- First BB10 update addresses battery life, low-light photos and more - 19:00
- Logitech to lay off 140 employees as part of continued mobile focus - 18:30
- Best Buy rejects deal that would see founder take the company private - 18:00
- Microsoft launches Xbox 360 250GB Spring Value Bundle for $299 - 17:30
- Manning pleads guilty, hoped leaks would "cause society to reconsider" war on terror - 16:30
- Windows 8 adoption at 2.79%, not growing as fast as Windows 7 - 15:32
- Dell XPS 10 takes top honors in iFixit's tablet repairability index - 14:30
- Apple may be preparing a cheaper iPhone made of plastic for 2014 - 13:30
- Apple iTunes U surpasses one billion content downloads - 00:30

Hack a Day - Mvorisek RSS
- High powered rocket engines made from PVC pipe - 22:01
- Hacking a PAL SNES to output 50Hz or 60Hz with a single switch - 20:01
- Oreo-creme hater builds Rube Goldberg CNC router to remove the Stuf - 18:01
- Soluble support structure can be used with any extruder-based 3D printer - 16:01
- Mexican law enforcement seizes a hacked together Weed Cannon - 14:01
- Revolving camera mount helps to capture 3D video-game assests - 12:01
- A solar powered cattle crossing gate - 04:01
- Hackaday Links: February 28th, 2013 - 02:01
- Optical data transfer project at local school’s family science night - 00:01