Mvorisek Czech Republic - Michael Voříšek
Archiv: 01.03.2017

DIY Drones - Mvorisek RSS
- UAV control using Novint Falcon haptic device - 22:24
- Calling student programmers: Google and Ardupilot 2017 Summer of Code - 18:55
- UgCS Used By Drone Pilots in 159 Countries! - 15:30
- RTF Low Cost Professional Photogrammetry Drone, with GNSS RTK module, PPK, CORS and Ground RTK Su... - 14:30
- Circuit Board for DIY Arduino Micro-quadcopter - 04:00 - Mvorisek RSS

Deep in IT - Mvorisek RSS
- Dr. Delid: Odvíčkujte Kaby Lake otvírákem - 15:30
- Aktualizováno - GeForce GTX 1080 Ti ohlášena: předobjednávky od čtvrtka - 13:00
- SD karty dostávají UHS-III rozhraní s rychlostí až 624 MB/s - 10:30
- Capsaicin prozradil 5 novinek o Vega GPU - 08:00
- Snaží se Intel zmanipulovat vydání AMD Ryzen? - 00:00

PCTuning - Mvorisek RSS

Svět hardware - Mvorisek RSS
- Transcend uvádí SSD230S, své první SSD s 3D NAND TLC - 13:30
- Našel se "Tatooine", potenciální kamenitá planeta obíhající dvojitou hvězdu - 12:40
- Chystá se AMD Radeon RX Vega i s konkurencí pro GeForce Now - 11:20
- NVIDIA představila překvapivou GeForce GTX 1080 Ti za 699 USD - 10:50
- Nízkonákladový robot je určen na odstraňování nevybuchlé munice - 10:02

TechSpot - Mvorisek RSS
- Oculus slashes Rift + Touch bundle by $200, offers $50 store credit to recent buyers - 23:00
- AOL is phasing out third-party AIM access - 21:45
- Have any advice for new PC users? Contribute to this community-assembled list of best computing p... - 21:15
- Nintendo Switch review round-up: here's what early reviews are saying - 20:32
- Nintendo Switch Review - 19:15
- Battlefield 1 will be free to play on PC and Xbox One this weekend - 18:45
- Google rolls out a new video conferencing tool for G Suite business users - 18:21
- Xiaomi unveils mid-tier Surge S1, their first SoC - 15:45
- Torment: Tides of Numenera Review - 14:35
- Become a certified ethical hacker: in-depth course for $49 - 14:15
- Hackers are holding data from internet-connected Teddy bears for ransom - 13:30
- "Nope" is a Chrome extension for avoiding annoying co-workers - 12:15
- Curvalicious: This is the Samsung Galaxy S8 - 10:59
- Nvidia makes the GeForce GTX 1080 Ti official, GTX 1080 gets $100 price cut - 05:05
- YouTube launches a TV streaming service for $35 a month - 01:45
- Google has no plans for a third Chromebook Pixel - 00:30

Hack a Day - Mvorisek RSS
- A Meteorite Gift Box - 22:00
- The Importance of Electrical Safety - 20:30

Microchip Technology - Mvorisek RSS
- Microchip Debuts Advanced Motor Control Tool with Auto Tuning and Self-Commissioning Capability - 14:08

Podnikání v USA - Mvorisek RSS
- Mam provozovnu na pizza business - 00:19