Mvorisek Czech Republic - Michael Voříšek
Archiv: 01.04.2019

Deep in IT - Mvorisek RSS
- Ze skládacích telefonů hned tak mainstream nebude, došly panty - 12:00
- GeForce GTX 1650 bude dostupná ~22. dubna - 08:00
- AMD meziročně ztrojnásobila podíl svých procesorů v serverech - 00:00

PCTuning - Mvorisek RSS

Svět hardware - Mvorisek RSS
- Apríl 2019: jak vtipkuje Google a další technologické firmy? - 23:50
- EPYC Rome se 64 jádry na 2,2 GHz v prvních testech - 17:30
- ASRock očekává, že letošní zisky utlumí nutnost zbavit se starých grafik - 16:40
- NVIDIA R.O.N. je pouze aprílový žert - 15:50
- Valve slibuje na květen svůj VR headset Index - 15:10
- Již druhá galaxie bez temné hmoty vypovídá o její existenci - 14:31
- Starfield nebo Elder Scrolls VI na E3? Letos si necháme zajít chuť - 13:10
- Deep Silver deaktivují ilegálně získané steamové klíče pro Metro Exodus - 12:40

TechSpot - Mvorisek RSS
- Cloudflare's new 'Warp' VPN promises faster, more private mobile browsing - 23:12
- Google delisted Pixel 2 and Pixel 2 XL, only Pixel 3 series remains in the store - 22:27
- The world's largest video game collection consists of more than 20,000 titles - 21:38
- NASA, MIT engineers develop aircraft wing that can change shape mid-flight - 21:11
- Planet Hollywood's parent company confirms millions of credit and debit card numbers stolen - 20:00
- Burger King is market testing a meat-free Whopper from Impossible Foods - 19:37
- Layoffs hit Intel, affecting hundreds of IT administrators - 19:05
- Sony updates PlayStation Store refund policy - 18:11
- Corsair recalls some H100i RGB Platinum SE coolers due to leaks - 17:46
- Fortnite's Creative mode has attracted more than 100 million players - 17:05
- Facebook's new feature explains why you see some posts before others - 16:31
- Huawei CEO: Half our phones could be foldable by 2021 - 15:51
- Gmail's 15-year anniversary is no joke with serious improvements to Smart Compose AI suggestions - 15:18
- AMD Epyc could force Intel's server market share below 90 percent - 14:39
- Man pleads guilty to hacking Apple accounts of famous musicians and athletes - 13:58
- Alienware m15 RTX Gaming Laptop Review - 13:01
- Google brings Snake to its Maps app for April Fools' Day - 12:20
- Minecraft shader pack adds ray tracing-style effects - 11:40
- Apple loses key engineer responsible for A series processor development - 00:49