Mvorisek Czech Republic - Michael Voříšek
Archiv: 01.05.2015

DIY Drones - Mvorisek RSS
- Kickstarter UAV promises to out perform (at a lower price, too) Solo, Phantom, Inspire, and the rest - 18:00
- New X-100 High performance AHRS with GPS - 17:30
- Reach: affordable centimeter-level precise RTK GPS on Indiegogo - 16:18
- AirMap, new site to show safe flight zones - 15:29
- Drone parachute project on Kickstarter - 15:22 - Mvorisek RSS - Mvorisek RSS
- Odemykání mobilu otiskem prstu už nepřekvapí, Yahoo to teď zkouší uchem - 01:03
- Software zdarma: Odstranění zbytečných souborů či živé vysílání - 00:00
- Šéf rozvědky Fitin věděl o chystaném útoku na SSSR, ale Stalin mu nevěřil - 00:00
- Letecké novinky: ČSA budou létat do Kyjeva, japonská ANA se Star Wars - 00:00

PCTuning - Mvorisek RSS

TechSpot - Mvorisek RSS
- Catch up on the Marvel Universe before Age of Ultron with this 13-minute recap - 22:00
- This Square Enix tech demo shows DirectX 12 in all its glory - 20:15
- Grooveshark concedes defeat, shuts down as part of settlement with major record labels - 18:45
- Windows 10 for desktops will launch before Windows 10 for phones - 17:45
- This Microsoft tool tries to guess your age and gender based on a photo - 16:45
- AMD delays FreeSync for CrossFire systems - 15:45
- Apple Watch Sport has the best profit margin of any Apple product - 14:30
- Tesla announces Powerwall, a home battery system starting at $3,000 - 13:30
- Silverstone Mammoth MM01 Review: A massive case built for harsh environments - 07:15
- AT&T billed an 83-year-old man over $24,000 for two months of dial-up Internet service - 01:30
- New European probe into US tech giants puts Google, Amazon and others back under fire - 00:30

Hack a Day - Mvorisek RSS