Mvorisek Czech Republic - Michael Voříšek
Archiv: 01.05.2019

DIY Drones - Mvorisek RSS

Deep in IT - Mvorisek RSS
- Před dohodou s Qualcommem chtěl Apple od Intelu odkoupit divizi LTE modemů - 12:00
- Další uniklá roadmapa Intelu: desktop, HEDT a Xeony - 08:00
- 50 let AMD: Milníky v infografice - 00:00

PCTuning - Mvorisek RSS

Svět hardware - Mvorisek RSS
- Netflix v květnu 2019: na jaké novinky se můžete podívat? - 22:10
- Soud potvrdil dohodu Muska a SEC, jeho tweety budou schvalovány - 11:10
- Hlavní novinky z F8: Facebook, Messenger a Instagram čekají změny - 10:10
- AMD slaví padesátku, kam jej dovedla? - 02:00

TechSpot - Mvorisek RSS
- Google will soon offer auto-deletion tools for your search and location data - 23:24
- Intellivision Amico to get an new Earthworm Jim exclusive - 22:43
- Huawei is working on a 5G 8K TV for later this year - 22:00
- Google's former CEO, Eric Schmidt, is leaving Alphabet's Board of Directors on June 19 - 21:18
- Netflix rolls out high-quality audio support for 5.1 surround sound and Dolby Atmos - 20:47
- Game of Thrones cinematographer says it's your fault The Long Night was too dark - 20:11
- Down with the ugly: Google's Pixel 3 is not selling well - 18:47
- Opinion: Dell Technologies pushes toward hybrid cloud - 18:11
- Multi-year aluminum fraud scheme blamed for two NASA mission failures - 17:23
- Nura launches subscription service so people can rent its headphones - 16:22
- Western Digital's 4TB SSD appears on some retail sites - 15:54
- Apple's Q2 shows a decline in iPhone and Mac sales as services become the next big growth opportu... - 15:22
- Julian Assange sentenced to 50 weeks in prison for skipping bail - 14:47
- Smartphone market down 6% in first quarter as Huawei takes second place from Apple, again - 14:05
- Acrobat Pro DC: Adobe's PDF software is still the one to beat - 13:18
- AMD reveals 7nm Navi GPU and Epyc Rome CPUs will launch next quarter - 12:20
- Oculus expands VR for enterprise with new bundles and subscription service - 01:06
- Microsoft to partner with Department of Veteran Affairs, so vets can play games, too - 00:21