Mvorisek Czech Republic - Michael Voříšek
Archiv: 01.06.2018

Deep in IT - Mvorisek RSS
- Dell se chystá vyrábět Surface Phone namísto Microsoftu - 14:30
- PowerColor Radeon RX Vega 56 Nano rozbalen a změřen [video] - 12:00
- 1xnm mobilní DDR4 od Samsungu snižují spotřebu a zvyšují kapacitu na 32GB - 08:00
- 45W osmijádro? Ryzen 7 2700E - 00:00

PCTuning - Mvorisek RSS
- GDPR a EDSM: Od svobodného internetu na hlídaný EUnet? - 15:00
- Corsair HS70: vyladěný bezdrátový instrument - 06:00

Svět hardware - Mvorisek RSS
- Modul Adata XPG Spectrix D80 přetaktován na 5531 MHz - 22:00
- Philips Hue Sync pro PC a Mac: konečně opravdu účelné použití RGB LED? - 16:50
- Assassin's Creed: Odyssey nás zavede do starověkého Řecka - 16:00
- Asus představil Chromebox 3 vybavené procesory Coffee Lake - 15:15
- ARM Cortex-A76: přímý útok na Intel? - 14:30
- Kanada vycouvala z vývoje teleskopu WFIRST, velice důležitého partnera JWST - 13:32
- Intel chystá levné Xeony založené na Coffee Lake - 12:20
- Asus ROG Strix XG248Q nabídne 240Hz obnovovací frekvenci - 11:40
- Díky ASRock známe čtyři nové Ryzeny 2. generace - 01:06

TechSpot - Mvorisek RSS
- Spotify revises policy on hate content and conduct - 23:37
- Zotac Magnus EK71080 Mini PC Review - 22:53
- California will soon let tech companies give passengers free rides in self-driving vehicles - 22:09
- Facebook is shutting down Trending topics, will explore new ways to keep people informed about br... - 21:19
- Apple is hiring for a super 'secret' lab in northern Oregon - 20:31
- Speedrunner beats Super Mario Bros. in under five minutes with one hand - 19:49
- Amazon introduces subscription model for Prime Pantry, raises shipping fees for non-subscribers - 19:10
- Leaks suggest Fortnite is heading to the Nintendo Switch - 18:09
- Released in 1984, the Motorola DynaTAC was the first commercial mobile phone. It was priced at... - 17:40
- You can now buy Just Cause 3 on Steam for under $5 - 16:59
- Apple WWDC event will reportedly lack any hardware reveals - 16:14
- Walmart supports startup Jetblack that allows you to shop via text message - 15:40
- Researchers create world's first 3D-printed cornea using stem cells and algae - 14:59
- Nvidia will talk about its next-gen GPUs on August 20 - 14:08
- ARM looks to challenge Intel in the laptop market with its Cortex-A76 chip - 13:07
- Borderlands: GOTY Edition receives rating without an official announcement - 01:36
- Liquid crystals under a microscope are like a trip to the 60s - 00:45
- Four new second-gen Ryzen CPUs surface in motherboard compatibility list - 00:00

Hack a Day - Mvorisek RSS
- Trashed Vector Game Console Revived With Vintage IBM Monitor - 22:00
- This Is Your Last Chance To Design The Greatest Robotics Modules - 20:30

Tektronix - Mvorisek RSS
- 5-CMUSB2-MSO 5 series - v1.2.2 - 09:12