Mvorisek Czech Republic - Michael Voříšek
Archiv: 01.06.2022

Svět hardware - Mvorisek RSS
- SpaceX chystá satelity Starlink 2.0, potřebuje pro ně však Starship - 23:20
- Sony se chystá výrazně rozšířit produkci konzolí PlayStation 5 - 17:50
- Nový ransomware nutí lidi provést tři dobré skutky - 17:25
- Qualcomm by rád neutrální Arm, jak toho chce docílit? - 16:40
- LG oznamuje tři nové herní monitory UltraGear - 16:33
- NASA s astronomy trénovala obranu před nebezpečím z vesmíru, využila Apophis - 15:40
- Pozor na scam, podvodníci se vydávají za Českou poštu, chtějí 79,80 Kč za clo - 15:21

TechSpot - Mvorisek RSS
- Consumer watchdog report on loot boxes prompts 18 countries to push for stricter regulation - 23:51
- Looking Glass presents new "holographic" image format - 23:16
- Microsoft announces upgraded Surface Laptop Go 2 starting at $599 - 20:42
- VSDC is a simple yet powerful video and audio editor - 20:15
- Sony believes phone cameras will eclipse DSLRs within a few years - 19:13
- GPU demand slowed in the first months of 2022, but the market is still poised for solid growth - 18:39
- Nintendo Power Glove modded to work with the Switch - 17:01
- Assassin's Creed Origins, Chorus, and For Honor hit Xbox/PC Game Pass this month - 15:53
- Safari now has over 1 billion users, the second web browser to pass this milestone - 15:24
- An Apple-1 signed by Steve Wozniak is being auctioned for an estimated $480,000 - 14:58
- Amazon Cloud Cams will be dead come December, complementary Blink Mini and Echo on offer - 14:27
- God of War now supports AMD FSR 2.0 - 13:51
- How to Revoke Access to Your Personal Data After Using "Sign in with" Apple, Google, and Facebook - 13:14
- Elon Musk slams Dogecoin co-creator for calling him a grifter, says 'my kids wrote better code' - 12:20
- Blizzard yanked 'Diablo Immortal' from regions with strict loot box regulations - 00:58

Hack a Day - Mvorisek RSS
- Alternative Display Technologies And Where To Find Them - 22:00
- Hackaday Prize 2022: House Ventilation Reverse-Engineered And Automated - 20:30