Mvorisek Czech Republic - Michael Voříšek
Archiv: 01.07.2019

Deep in IT - Mvorisek RSS
- Trump ukončil ban na Huawei - 12:00
- Zen 2 posouvá AMD v žebříčku Single-Thread testu Passmark ze 140. místa na 1. - 08:00
- GeForce RTX Super mají stát jako nereferenční modely, jen 2060 bude dražší - 00:00

Svět hardware - Mvorisek RSS
- Intel vypustil na trh NUC generace Islay Canyon s Radeonem - 17:20
- Budoucnost Micronu: 64GB DIMM, nové technologie i EUV - 16:00
- NASA vyšle na Titan robotickou létající "světlušku" - 14:50
- Cloud Microsoft Azure běží častěji s Linuxem než Windows - 14:35
- WSJ: Čína dostala klíče k architektuře x86, AMD to popírá - 14:00
- AMD si zaregistrovalo patent pro chlazení 3D čipů - 13:00
- Výzkumníkům se možná už podařilo vyrobit pevný kovový vodík - 12:10
- GeForce RTX 2060 Super dostala 8 GB paměti, máme tu první fotky - 11:20

TechSpot - Mvorisek RSS
- Samsung chief executive takes blame for failed Galaxy Fold launch - 23:44
- CO2 emissions from existing energy infrastructure could see temperatures rise by over 1.5C - 22:54
- Summer Games Done Quick 2019 raised more money than any previous GDQ event - 22:05
- Insiders say Jony Ive felt Apple lost focus on what made it successful (updated) - 21:22
- Apple will repair faulty logic boards on 2018 MacBook Airs free of charge - 20:23
- Samsung's Bixby Marketplace is live in the U.S. and Korea - 19:37
- Netflix's The Witcher TV series inches closer with new artwork and stills - 18:52
- Old school: How many feet/meters of tape are found in a C60 compact audio cassette? - 18:32
- Power outage causes Toshiba and Western Digital to lose 6 exabytes of NAND - 17:42
- Silicon Lottery will speed bin and sell premium Ryzen 3000 CPUs - 17:05
- Third Florida city falls victim to ransomware attack - 16:34
- Halo: Reach beta gets "illegally distributed," players threatened with bans - 16:14
- Google's Fast Share looks set to bring better file sharing on Android devices - 15:49
- Rumored GTA VI details claim it will be next-gen console exclusive, inspired by Netflix's Narcos - 15:22
- UAE powers on Noor Abu Dhabi, the world's largest solar project - 14:51
- New electric cars sold in Europe must be fitted with noise-making device - 14:28
- Google thinks ISPs will keep up with data demands of services like Stadia - 13:57
- Razer Blade Pro 17 Review: All-new for 2019 - 13:05
- Sabrent's Rocket PCIe 4.0 SSD is now available to buy, offering 5GB/s speeds at $230 - 12:20

Hack a Day - Mvorisek RSS
- Wire Bender Aims to Take Circuit Sculptures To The Next Level - 22:00
- FarmBot Unveils New CNC Gardening Robot Models - 20:31