Mvorisek Czech Republic - Michael Voříšek
Archiv: 01.08.2013

DIY Drones - Mvorisek RSS
- Airventure 2013 - 21:30
- Commercial Ag Goes Unmanned - AUVSI Mission Critical Publication - 17:30
- Panel discussion with Cummings (MIT) and Toscano (AUVSI) - 17:00
- "UAVs Go to College" - 06:54
- Drone U: "Will Agriculture be the New Killer App for Drones?" - 05:10
- The end of my quad - 00:30 - Mvorisek RSS
- Je to ještě horší. NSA sleduje „prakticky všechno, co děláte na internetu“ - 10:12
- Tipy a triky pro Windows 8: Bezpečnější přihlášení nebo změna Koše - 00:00
- Díky jeho "vynálezu" mohou naši kriminalisté už 38 let fotit i pod vodou - 00:00
- Muž z Facebooku stvořil textový editor, který se hodí tak na nákup - 00:00

Deep in IT - Mvorisek RSS
- Peklo zamrzlo: Microsoft vydal Office pro Linux - 15:15
- Linux oslavil 20 let v superpočítačích, dnes jim kraluje - 13:37
- „Šéfiku, nějak to blbne“ aneb Dva dny s Androidím tabletem Acer Iconia Tab A211 - 12:10

PCTuning - Mvorisek RSS

Svět hardware - Mvorisek RSS
- Recenze: Cooler Master N400: levný elegán - 02:00
- ViewSonic nabídne 27" monitor s MHL - 16:00
- Shuttle připravil malé PC s Celeronem 847 - 11:30
- USB 3.1 s propustností 10 Gb/s má hotové specifikace - 09:00

TechSpot - Mvorisek RSS
- Snowden granted 1-year temporary asylum in Russia - 23:30
- Spec-by-spec: Here's how the Moto X stacks up to the competition - 22:45
- Motorola takes customization to the next level with Moto X - 22:15
- Thursday tech deals: Dell UltraSharp U2713H $720, JBL Creature III speakers 48% off, Seagate 3TB ... - 21:45
- Facebook enables secure browser connections by default - 21:00
- New fan made Halo game "Project Contingency" coming to the PC - 20:30
- Pinterest to notify users when pinned items go on sale - 20:00
- Researchers demo 'fake charger' iPhone hack, fix coming in iOS 7 - 19:15
- Yahoo's acquisition of Lexity is the 20th under Marissa Mayer - 18:45
- Report: iPad mini with Retina display 'likely' coming this year - 18:15
- Nvidia's Shield gets the iFixit teardown treatment - 17:30
- 10 Gbps USB specification finalized as USB 3.1 - 17:00
- Mobile payment group Isis set to launch digital wallet by year's end - 16:00
- Following up on the 360-degree replay system coming to Sunday Night Football - 15:00
- NSA's XKeyscore database tracks everything you've ever done online - 13:30
- References to second generation iPad mini uncovered in iOS 7 code - 02:00
- New Dialogue app allows Mac owners to make calls from the desktop - 01:00
- Zynga files suit against Bang With Friends over trademark infringement - 00:15

Hack a Day - Mvorisek RSS
- How to use CoIDE with LPCXpresso Board - 23:01
- Blackhat: iOS device charger exploit installs and activates malware - 21:01
- Laser cigarette lighter makes smoking even more dangerous - 18:01
- Making a real instrument out of a Kaoss pad and ribbon controllers - 17:00
- Vaporizer rebuild - 15:01

Linear Technology - Mvorisek RSS
- Six Channel 3500VRMS µModule Isolator Simplifies Protection and Expansion of SPI/Digital or I²C S... - 05:05