Mvorisek Czech Republic - Michael Voříšek
Archiv: 01.09.2021

Deep in IT - Mvorisek RSS
- Argonne čekající 6 let na superpočítač od Intelu objednala stroj od AMD a Nvidie - 10:00
- Bitcoin se blíží $50 tisícům, ceny grafických karet opět rostou - 08:00
- Microsoft oznámil vydání Windows 11 na 5. října - 00:00

Svět hardware - Mvorisek RSS
- Náhodný objev odhaluje možnou mnohem větší populaci hnědých trpaslíků - 17:05
- Výrobci čipů rekordně vydělávají, podíly si rozšiřují menší firmy na úkor TSMC - 16:05
- AMD Instinct MI200: MCM se 110 jednotkami CU? - 15:25
- Western Digital odhalil 20TB disky s technologií OptiNAND a ePMR zápisem - 14:55
- Bývali zaměstnanci Micronu si za vyzrazení tajemství vysloužili trest vězení - 14:10

TechSpot - Mvorisek RSS
- Motive Studios details how its Dead Space remake improves on the original - 23:35
- Elon Musk says second-gen Tesla Roadster might not ship until 2023 - 23:04
- Qualcomm is bringing CD-quality sound over Bluetooth through aptX Lossless - 22:02
- Convert any audio and video format with Handbrake - 21:49
- Google is building custom silicon for Chromebooks, too - 21:13
- Logitech's new Bolt USB dongle boosts the security, reliability and stability of wireless periphe... - 20:26
- No Man's Sky: 'Frontiers' expansion adds towns and overhauls base building - 19:57
- Arizona and Georgia among first states to adopt driver's licenses and IDs in Apple Wallet - 19:10
- You can now sync Philips Hue with Spotify to make your lights react to music - 18:38
- Intuit said to be mulling $10B acquisition of e-mail marketing service Mailchimp - 17:36
- South Korea's first lunar expedition is on track for August 2022 launch - 16:28
- Brendan 'PlayerUnknown' Greene leaves PUGB owner Krafton to form PlayerUnknown Productions - 15:55
- Microsoft tells Windows 11 Insider build users with unsupported PCs to reinstall Windows 10 - 15:08
- Apple Watch Series 7 said to feature blood pressure monitoring, will arrive later than expected - 14:37
- Google is rolling out a Calendar feature that shows how much time you spend in meetings - 13:58
- Samsung said to be developing a 17-inch foldable Galaxy Book - 13:15
- Hacker sells tool for hiding malware inside graphics card VRAM - 12:17
- Nvidia's RAD-TTS generates realistic AI voices that are more expressive - 02:11