Mvorisek Czech Republic - Michael Voříšek
Archiv: 01.10.2011

DIY Drones - Mvorisek RSS
- Modified HK FPV platform - 23:53
- OCTOV travelling stability with 2.0.42 - 23:29
- "Oh, no. My wife's drone!" - 20:56
- Humidity sensor SHT2x for ArduPilotMega - 18:30
- Version 10 of my Custom Frame for AC2 - 13:30
- New 3D Robotics frame build of my ArduCopter - 13:30
- Successful Maiden Flight of my Modular Testing Platform III - 13:10
- Fancy LED lighting option for your flying machine - 02:30 - Mvorisek RSS
- Nálada světa je předvídatelná podle denní doby, říká analýza Twitteru - 10:00
- Objev: některé bakterie umí přeměnit radiaci v elektřinu - 00:00
- Česká muzika zadarmo a oficiálně startuje v pondělí odpoledne - 00:00

TechSpot - Mvorisek RSS
- Weekend Open Forum: Your favorite gadget - 03:00
- Download of the Week: Process Manager for Windows - 02:00
- Samsung enters U.S. desktop market with Series 7 all-in-one - 01:30
- Best Buy to drop HTC Flyer tablet to $299 starting October 1 - 00:30
- AT&T to raise mobile insurance rates on October 4 - 00:00

Hack a Day - Mvorisek RSS
- Spamming a label printer with #cookiehammer - 23:14
- Incredibly cheap upcycled cargo bike - 22:14
- Hacking SPOT personal satellite tracker to pass more information - 21:01
- Make Your Own GPS Receiver! - 18:01
- A sunrise clock for those cold, dark winter mornings - 17:01
- Weekly roundup 10/1/11 - 16:00
- Sustainability Hacks – External Wood Burner - 15:00
- Fake PS3 tracks thieves all the way home - 01:07
- Passive RFID tag cloning - 00:02