Mvorisek Czech Republic - Michael Voříšek
Archiv: 02.02.2017

DIY Drones - Mvorisek RSS
- Heavy lift power system - 21:30
- A big step forward for ArduSub - 20:30
- Safe Flying - Top 5 Insurance Tips for Drone Owners - 18:39
- FlytOS: First stable release is out! - 18:30
- Complete power system for giant quadcopters - 14:30

Deep in IT - Mvorisek RSS
- Kupte GeForce GTX 1070 nebo lepší a vyberte si hru - 15:30
- Šestijádrový Ryzen existuje, osmijádrové jsou dva - 13:00
- Samsung je nucen kupovat LCD panely od rivala LG a může za to Foxconn (Sharp) - 10:30
- Paměti DDR4 zdraží, pokud plánujete upgrade, zvažte nákup - 08:00
- Statistiky poruchovosti HDD Backblaze za rok 2016 - 00:00

PCTuning - Mvorisek RSS
- Jak se náhodou narodilo Atari - 04:00

Svět hardware - Mvorisek RSS
- Ryzen prý nebudou šestijádrové, nebo budou? - 12:30
- Noctua už má tři verze chladičů pro AM4 - 12:04
- Asteroid prolétl těsně kolem Země, objeven byl jen hodiny před tím - 11:25
- AOC Q2781PQ: designové LCD s opravdu tenkým rámečkem - 11:00
- GoPro se vrací s dronem Karma, už nebude padat z nebe - 09:35

TechSpot - Mvorisek RSS
- Nintendo has sold 1.5 million NES Classic consoles - 23:53
- 2020 Tokyo Olympic medals will be made of recycled electronics - 22:30
- Nvidia makes it virtually impossible to give, trade or sell bundled game codes - 20:16
- AT&T to launch its first '5G' wireless networks in Austin, Indianapolis later this year - 18:45
- Samsung confirms that a version of its mobile payments system is coming to all Android smartphones - 17:45
- Deal alert: Logitech PC gear is up to 40% off today on Amazon - 17:00
- Apple, Google, Microsoft, Facebook, Uber, and more are writing joint letter to Trump challenging ... - 16:15
- The 12 Best Games on the iPhone - 15:45
- Sony's new 4K Xperia handset might not be unveiled at MWC because of Samsung - 15:00
- Apple reportedly working on new ARM chip for its MacBooks to improve the laptops' battery life - 14:00
- Using Microsoft's HoloLens to view an HTC Vive's virtual world - 13:00
- Boston Dynamics' "nightmare-inducing" new robot revealed in leaked video - 12:15
- Reddit bans 'alt-right' subreddits for doxing - 02:45
- AOC launches 'frameless' 27-inch monitor with Swarovski crystals - 00:45

Hack a Day - Mvorisek RSS
- LiftLocker Keeps Your Lift Safe from Attacking Garage Doors - 22:00
- Yes/No Neural Interface Partly Works - 20:31