Mvorisek Czech Republic - Michael Voříšek
Archiv: 02.05.2016

DIY Drones - Mvorisek RSS
- uAvionix (ADS-B for Pixhawk) raises VC from Andy Rubin of Google/Android fame - 18:30
- Analysis of UK "drone vs plane" incidents and the media hysteria over them - 16:40
- 2.2 km: Aerial Hover Board - 08:15
- Mantis280 3d printed folding drone with gimbal in test - 02:00 - Mvorisek RSS

Deep in IT - Mvorisek RSS
- Nový Xbox hardware bude k vidění na E3 2016 - 14:00
- Devuan Jessie 1.0 Beta: vyzkoušejte Debian GNU/Linux bez systemd - 12:00
- Intel už se nepovažuje za PC společnost - 10:00
- Polaris 10 a 11 vyfoceny - 08:00
- Apple zpomalil a všichni se můžou .... - 00:00

PCTuning - Mvorisek RSS
- Největší herní záporáci všech dob - 13:00
- Vyhlášení soutěže s Intelem o minipočítač NUC a Compute Stick - 06:00

Svět hardware - Mvorisek RSS
- Elon Musk představil tréninkovou tělocvičnu pro umělou inteligenci - 22:07
- CoD: Infinite Warfare nás zavede do vesmíru - 16:12
- AMD vytvořilo novou infostránku o Polarisech - 15:00
- Záhadné hmotné objekty chrlí pryč plyn čtvrtinovou rychlostí světla - 14:26
- AMD Polaris 10: cca 232 mm čtverečných, co lze očekávat? - 13:34
- Intel "Kaby Lake" Core i7-7700K je na cestě - 12:48
- Zastoupení OS na desktopu – duben 2016: divoká data - 00:00

TechSpot - Mvorisek RSS
- 'Uncharted 4' multiplayer maps and modes will be free, all other paid content can be earned in-game - 23:15
- The next Battlefield game will be unveiled this Friday - 22:30
- Nvidia's 365.10 drivers are optimized for Battleborn, Overwatch, Paragon and Forza 6: Apex - 21:45
- Oculus Rift demos will be available in 48 Best Buy stores later this week - 21:00
- After multiple delays, Mega Man spiritual successor Mighty No. 9 is finally set to arrive next month - 20:15
- Microsoft SQL Server 2016 launches on June 1 - 19:30
- Berlin makes it illegal to list entire apartments on Airbnb - 18:45
- The next Call of Duty is 'Infinite Warfare' and it's coming November 4th - 18:00
- Hulu is reportedly building out its own Internet TV service - 17:15
- Now every major analytics firm places Chrome ahead of IE as the world's most popular web browser - 16:30
- LG announces fingerprint sensor hidden beneath glass bezel - 15:30
- LA judge orders a suspect to unlock an iPhone with her fingerprint - 14:30
- Craig Wright admits that he is Bitcoin inventor Satoshi Nakamoto - 13:15
- Better Buy: Older flagship smartphones are better than current budget offerings - 09:00
- Activision teases new Call of Duty game, official announcement coming Monday - 01:30

Hack a Day - Mvorisek RSS
- Amazing Oscilloscope Graphics - 22:01