Mvorisek Czech Republic - Michael Voříšek
Archiv: 02.05.2019

Deep in IT - Mvorisek RSS
- Vyřiďte to se zloději s chytrou domácností. Sledujte svá okna i dveře na mobilu - 15:00
- Jak to bude s podporou Ryzen 3000 / Zen 2 na čipsetu A320? - 12:00
- Názvosloví Core 10. generace: Core i7-10710U či Core i5-1035G7 - 08:00
- Lisa Su: „Navi i Epyc Rome vydáme v létě, Navi míří pod Radeon VII“ - 00:00

PCTuning - Mvorisek RSS

Svět hardware - Mvorisek RSS
- Prodeje iPhonů a Maců padají, jinde se ale Applu daří - 20:14
- NASA odhalila 20 let trvající podvod, který přinesl zkázu dvou misí - 17:20
- TSMC: většina zákazníků využívajících 7nm proces přejde na 6nm - 15:20
- Super Micro přestane odebírat v Číně vyrobené komponenty - 14:40
- Razer se nechal přesvědčit, nabídne topinkovač - 14:00
- Asus zveřejnil seznam desek pro 7nm CPU Ryzen, levné A320 mezi nimi nejsou - 13:00

TechSpot - Mvorisek RSS
- Verizon is trying to sell the unprofitable Tumblr - 23:38
- Valve's $999 Index VR kit reportedly sold out in less than 30 minutes - 23:10
- FTC suggests Facebook create privacy committee in proposed settlement - 22:33
- Tesla will take on roughly $2 billion in debt to pad its low cash reserves - 21:49
- Mortal Kombat and Super Mario Kart among latest Video Game Hall of Fame inductees - 21:17
- Lobbyists persuaded California to table its right-to-repair bill - 20:36
- Global smartwatch shipments increased 48 percent year-over-year in Q1 - 19:48
- Bethesda is giving one lucky person a custom 'Dreamcast' that plays Rage 2 - 18:24
- LG's mobile division is in dire straits - 17:27
- Microsoft reveals examples of what "acceptable trash talk" is allowed on Xbox Live - 16:38
- Motherboard maker Super Micro is moving production away from China to avoid spying rumors - 16:10
- Mad Box console's future in doubt following Google Stadia reveal - 15:43
- UK defense secretary fired over Huawei leak - 15:05
- Epic acquires Rocket League developer Psyonix - 14:27
- Galaxy Tab S5e appears to be another Samsung device with a design flaw - 14:04
- Update your BIOS: Utilities from Top Motherboard Makers - 13:06
- Intel's Xe GPUs will feature hardware-level ray tracing support - 12:25
- Russia signs law that requires ISPs to be able to disconnect from the outside internet - 00:57
- Razer is turning its 'Razer Toaster' April Fool's joke into a real product - 00:10