Mvorisek Czech Republic - Michael Voříšek
Archiv: 02.12.2014
DIY Drones - Mvorisek RSS
- Ghost Drone: Aerial Filming Has Never Been Easier! - 22:57
- Portuguese Aviation Authority will publish UAV legislation soon - 17:16
- Moving mass control - 16:30
- Tricopter information including schematic - 10:30
- LTE based FPV and Long Distance controlling UAV - IofT - 09:00
- USA Trip - Day 1 - Getting to California - 00:14 - Mvorisek RSS
- Znáte Internet of (every) Things? - 07:07
- LTC2983 - Multi-Sensor s vysokou přesností - 05:21
- Tripartita podpořila podobu Aktualizace státní energetické koncepce - 04:43 - Mvorisek RSS
- Fáma, která zabírá: Braňte se novým podmínkám Facebooku - 00:04
- Deset programů, které si hravě poradí s videi i hudbou na PC - 00:00
- Hráčův sen: dvě grafické karty GTX980M v jednom supernotebooku - 00:00
Deep in IT - Mvorisek RSS
- Grafiky od Matroxu postavené na Radeonu HD 7700 vyjdou na 13-16 tisíc Kč - 14:50
- S dotykovými notebooky je definitivní konec, mizí i z distribuce - 13:05
- Devuan: fork Debianu se představuje - 11:21
- Firefox 34 přináší WebRTC komunikaci Hello - 09:30
- Google Glass 2 poběží na Intelu - 07:45
- Odejděte z facebooku dokud není pozdě - 00:00
PCTuning - Mvorisek RSS
Svět hardware - Mvorisek RSS
- Autodesk nabídne svůj software školám zdarma - 14:22
- Podíl Windows 8.1 konečně překročil Windows XP - 11:45
- Nejstarší počítač světa datován do roku 205 před Kristem - 11:00
- Sonnet Tempo a Patriot Torch: moderní SSD - 10:16
- Článek: Anketa: Procesory AMD nebo Intel? - 01:00
TechSpot - Mvorisek RSS
- Russia is selling the Steve Jobs tribute it took down after Tim Cook proclaimed he was gay - 23:45
- Here's how to see everything you've purchased online with one easy Google Search - 22:45
- Sprint promises to charge half of what you currently pay with AT&T, Verizon if you switch - 21:45
- HP announces world's thinnest and lightest business-class notebooks - 20:45
- Researchers use ultrasound to create invisible 3D shapes that you can touch and feel - 19:45
- Asus announces factory overclocked GTX 970 for Mini-ITX gamers - 18:45
- Previously unseen Steve Jobs recording to appear as key evidence at Apple iPod trial - 18:00
- FBI warns US businesses of destructive malware in wake of Sony attack - 17:00
- Office replaces dated Clip Art with images curated through Bing Images - 16:00
- Windows Phone market share to double by 2018, says IDC - 14:45
- Canadian credential manager PasswordBox joins Intel's Security Group - 14:00
- iPhone 6 and Facebook top Bing's tech searches for the year - 13:00
- Firefox 34 arrives with Yahoo as the default search engine in North America - 11:45
- Roundup: 12 Favorite PC Games - 06:15
- Microsoft confirms acquisition of mobile e-mail startup Acompli - 01:15
- Yahoo is selling Creative Commons Flickr images but isn't sharing profits with owners - 00:15
Hack a Day - Mvorisek RSS
- Trinket Everyday Carry Contest Roundup: Sniffing Trinket and Portable Trollmaster 3000! - 22:00
- Retrotechtacular: Ma Bell’s Advanced Mobile Phone Service (AMPS) - 19:00
Freescale Semiconductor - Mvorisek RSS
Tektronix - Mvorisek RSS
- Royal Thai Army Radio and Television Channel 5 Selects Tektronix Digital Content Monitoring Solut... - 15:30