Mvorisek Czech Republic - Michael Voříšek
Archiv: 02.12.2019

Deep in IT - Mvorisek RSS
- Další generace APU od AMD ponese označení Cezanne - 12:00
- Panasonic končí s výrobou čipů, továrny prodá - 10:00
- Možná se chystá Radeon RX 5600 se 192bit sběrnicí a Navi 12 - 08:00
- Intel Rocket Lake pro desktop prý sníží počet jader z 10 na 8 - 00:00

Svět hardware - Mvorisek RSS
- Rocket Lake: moderní CPU a iGPU na 14nm procesu? - 17:50
- AI a kamery v Austrálii pomohou ve sledování, zda si řidiči hrají s mobilem - 15:50
- GPU za 400 dolarů: jak si vede moderna proti tři roky staré kartě? - 15:20
- BenQ PD3420Q: 34" LCD s pukem pro designéry - 14:20
- TSMC se stalo nejhodnotnější společností v celé Asii - 13:40

TechSpot - Mvorisek RSS
- Scientists develop a 'Liquid Health Check' that assesses multiple health factors with one blood test - 23:01
- China to require facial recognition scans to subscribe for cellular service - 22:14
- Amazon's AI-powered text-to-speech service can now transcribe medical notes in real time - 21:33
- Super Mario Maker 2 adds Zelda's Link as a playable character - 20:46
- Leaked documents show Chinese tech companies are shaping UN facial recognition standards - 19:55
- Atari VCS won't be delivered to Indiegogo backers before the end of the year as promised - 19:31
- Disney uses Epic's Unreal Engine to render real-time sets in The Mandalorian - 18:40
- The Full Guide to Cyber Monday Deals: Nearly 400 hand-picked tech offers - 18:04
- T-Mobile's 5G "low-band" network lights up across the country - 17:27
- Star Citizen crowdfunding passes $250 million - 16:56
- FBI arrests Ethereum expert accused of assisting North Korea in evading US sanctions - 16:23
- New Facebook tool lets users easily transfer data to Google Photos - 15:33
- DxOMark rates the best smartphone cameras for 2019 - 15:02
- FBI reminds people that smart TVs can be hacked - 13:35
- Dell lowers its 2019 revenue forecast due to Intel CPU shortages - 13:03
- 2016's $400 GPU vs. 2019's $400 GPUs: GTX 1070 vs. RTX 2060 Super vs. Radeon 5700 XT - 12:08
- Australia is using AI cameras to identify drivers using phones - 11:20
- The Best Headphones 2019 - 06:57

Hack a Day - Mvorisek RSS
- Cooking A Turkey With 880 AA Batteries - 22:00
- John McMaster Explains Crypto Ignition Phone Keys and How to Reproduce Them - 20:31