Mvorisek Czech Republic - Michael Voříšek
Archiv: 03.01.2017

DIY Drones - Mvorisek RSS
- Episode of Drone Dish Featuring Top Hawaii Drone Pilot - 21:30
- Pixhawk-powered ornithopter - 19:42
- Neopixel LEDs as status LEDs for Ardupilot - 13:49 - Mvorisek RSS
- Víceúčelový asistenční robot pro seniory - 08:44
- CES 2017 již příští týden - 06:49

Deep in IT - Mvorisek RSS
- FreeSync 2 umí i HDR a snižuje input-lag HDR monitorů - 14:00
- Qualcomm Snapdragon 835 zase o kus rychlejší - 12:00
- Linuxová zklamání roku 2016 - 10:00
- Specifikace architektury Vega odhaleny - 08:00
- Addonics Pocket UDD25 - univerzální krabička pro externě připojené úložiště - 00:00

PCTuning - Mvorisek RSS
- Core i7-7700K s taktem 4,5 GHz (Kaby Lake) v testu - 20:00
- Corsair SF600: 600W semi-pasivní zdroj formátu SFX - 04:00

Svět hardware - Mvorisek RSS
- Bezdrátová myš Roccat Leadr slibuje prakticky nulovou latenci - 22:10
- Zalman ZM-M501R: cenově dostupná myš se závažím - 22:00
- Norton Core: router chránící chytrou domácnost - 18:10
- Mezi uživateli Steamu už vedou Windows 10 s 50 % podílem - 17:20

TechSpot - Mvorisek RSS
- Durability is priority one with Acer's new Chromebook 11 N7 - 23:30
- Customs outages around the country leave international flyers stuck for hours - 22:45
- Radeon Vega: We'll find out more about AMD's next GPU in less than 2 days - 22:15
- Synaptics' new biometric solution combines fingerprint authentication with facial recognition - 21:30
- Deadpool takes the award for most pirated movie of 2016 - 20:45
- Flight reservations can be easily hacked with a last name and PNR locator - 20:00
- AirTV Player combines 4K streaming, free OTA broadcasts into single interface - 19:06
- Latest Acer Predator monitor packs 30" ultrawide with 200Hz refresh rate and eye tracking - 18:15
- Core i7-7700K & Core i5-7600K Review: Kaby Lake is boring on the desktop - 18:00
- Acer's Predator 21 X is $9,000 gaming laptop with a curved screen - 18:00
- Liberty City is coming to 'Grand Theft Auto V' - 17:15
- Qualcomm's 10nm Snapdragon 835 is faster and less power hungry than before - 16:30
- Microsoft expected to launch Surface Pro 5 in early 2017 - 15:45
- AMD FreeSync 2 aims to offer the ideal HDR gaming experience - 15:00
- Samsung to show off its amazing four-in-one washer/dryer at CES - 14:15
- Lenovo has a sub-$400 VR headset in the works - 13:45
- MIT study shows how 3,000 ridesharing vehicles could replace all 14,000 NYC taxis - 13:15
- CNN uses Fallout 4 to illustrate Russian hacking activities; Bethesda responds with mocking tweets - 12:15
- Lenovo launches a Legion of mid-range gaming laptops - 09:30
- Smart Assistant is Lenovo's Alexa-powered Amazon Echo clone - 09:01
- Kaby Lake comes to the Lenovo ThinkPad X1 line - 09:01
- Tesla releases new autopilot update as Musk plans for fully autonomous cars by 2018 - 04:30

Hack a Day - Mvorisek RSS
- Retro-Style DIY Polygraph: Believe It Or Not - 22:00
- Derek Schulte: Path Planning for 3D Printers - 20:31 - Mvorisek RSS
- IR light dimmer v2 published - 20:01

Podnikání v USA - Mvorisek RSS
- Premyslim jak moc mam upozornovat najemnika, aby mi nemusel platit penale - 22:19
- Aman hotely - 01:09