Mvorisek Czech Republic - Michael Voříšek
Archiv: 03.01.2018

DIY Drones - Mvorisek RSS

Deep in IT - Mvorisek RSS
- Zamyšlení: Postavit nový počítač nebo koupit repasovaný? - 14:00
- Nvidia v EULA zakázala použití GeForce v datacentrech - 12:00
- Niceboy SOUNDair je luxusně vyhlížející Bluetooth reproduktor za lidovou cenu - 10:00
- Samsung a LG: My vám mobil nezpomalíme - 08:00
- Core i7-8809G má 100W TDP, Radeon RX Vega MG H a odemčený násobič - 00:00

PCTuning - Mvorisek RSS

Svět hardware - Mvorisek RSS
- Spotify má na krku žalobu za 1,6 miliardy USD - 22:46
- Nezodpovědný pilot dronu havaroval do vrtulníku US Army - 18:49
- Samsung CJ791: prohnutý QLED monitor s Thunderboltem 3 - 14:10
- Za obraty atmosférických proudů na Jupiteru stojí dle NASA gravitační vlny - 12:40
- Akcie restaurace vylezly o 50 %, kryptoměny se budou těžit pojídáním burgerů - 12:32
- Procesory Intel mají bezpečnostní chybu, jejíž oprava zatím degraduje výkon - 11:50
- Zrodila se Sluneční soustava v bublině uvnitř obří hvězdy? - 11:00

TechSpot - Mvorisek RSS
- Roomba is going to map your home's Wi-Fi coverage - 23:58
- Product advertisements and sponsored results could be coming to Alexa-powered devices soon - 23:14
- Mophie's new battery pack offers 22,000mAh of capacity - 22:34
- Chinese joint venture with Via announces KX-5000 x86 SoCs - 22:05
- Tetris speedrunner accidentally breaks world record while trying for another - 21:31
- Asus brings new life to old routers by adding mesh networking support - 20:48
- LG's high-end TVs will ship with Google Assistant, Alexa and ThinQ AI support in 2018 - 20:14
- Samsung's new 34-inch curved monitor features Thunderbolt 3 connectivity - 19:33
- Netgear's latest Orbi Satellite offers 2,500 sq ft of outdoor Wi-Fi coverage - 18:45
- Roku is expanding its ecosystem to include audio devices - 18:03
- Apple's iMac Pro features key modular components (but is still a nightmare to repair) - 17:22
- Iran blocks Telegram messaging app amid anti-government protests - 16:48
- Microsoft ends production of the Kinect adapter - 16:01
- Deadline for Alexa, Cortana integration passes; companies say it will arrive "soon" - 15:16
- What is Google's Android mascot unofficially known as? - 14:46
- Spotify sued for $1.6 billion by publisher representing Tom Petty, The Doors, others - 14:00
- PUBG has a new set of tools that redefine video game replays - 13:06
- Hundreds of Android and iOS apps use your microphone to monitor your TV viewing habits - 12:15
- Massive security flaw found in Intel CPUs, patch could hit performance by up to 30% - 10:00
- 7 Tech Predictions for 2018 - 06:18
- Lyft will offer autonomous rides in Las Vegas during CES week - 01:35

Hack a Day - Mvorisek RSS
- Celebrate Display Diversity for a Circuit Circus Clock - 22:00
- OpenBraille is an Impressive DIY Embosser - 20:31