Mvorisek Czech Republic - Michael Voříšek
Archiv: 03.01.2022

Svět hardware - Mvorisek RSS
- Německo zavřelo 3 jaderné elektrárny, EU však zvažuje, že je jádro zelené - 20:13
- Některé GeForce RTX 3080 Ti s firmwarem z RTX 3090 odemknou výkon 110 MH/s - 16:25
- Webb odpočívá před vypnutím svého slunečního štítu, měl vadný senzor - 15:35
- DigiTimes: Samsung jde proti proudu a uvažuje o zdražení svých SSD - 15:00
- V březnu bychom se mohli dočkat představení GPU Hopper - 14:15
- EVGA RTX 3090 Ti Kingpin potřebuje hned dva 12pinové napájecí konektory - 13:50
- Intel NUC 12 Extreme: o skok blíž k desktopu díky paticovému procesoru - 12:45
- Samsung Odyssey Neo G8: první herní 4K s 240 Hz - 12:25

TechSpot - Mvorisek RSS
- Hyundai reportedly pivots engine development entirely to EVs - 23:15
- Samsung's 2022 TVs have a gaming hub that supports Stadia and GeForce Now, as well as consoles - 22:36
- Mercedes-Benz squeezes 620 miles of range from its latest concept EV - 21:51
- As we ease into 2022, GPU prices are no longer trending upward - 21:16
- Samsung's 2022 TV remotes use your router's radio waves to keep themselves charged - 20:42
- Troubled Verizon and T-Mobile iPad rebate programs disappear - 20:02
- Use Prime95 to stress test your CPU - 19:44
- Oculus device sales estimated at nearly 7M units in 2021 - 19:10
- Intel is reportedly disabling AVX-512 instruction set on Alder Lake CPUs - 18:37
- Tesla delivered nearly one million EVs in 2021 - 17:35
- Apple's 2022 product lineup could be its strongest yet - 15:58
- Samsung's new Odyssey Neo G8 32-inch curved monitor features 4K@240Hz, 2,000 nits of peak brightness - 13:42
- Alienware's Concept Nyx puts a game streaming server in your home - 13:07
- Japanese university loses 77TB of research data following a buggy software update - 12:15
- Square Enix president says NFTs and blockchain games will be major themes for the company in 2022 - 11:21

Hack a Day - Mvorisek RSS
- Homemade Scrapyard Security Mech Gives Uncle Super Powers - 22:00
- Matrix Digital Rain On The IBM PC With A High Persistence Monitor - 20:30