Mvorisek Czech Republic - Michael Voříšek
Archiv: 03.07.2012

DIY Drones - Mvorisek RSS
- A code of ethics for drone journalism - 21:59
- jDrones News: jD-IOBoard v1.0 - 13:30
- New product: i86AP Flight Stabilization Control Board - 13:14
- Another POP at 100k Ft. with APM2 - 08:00
- APM2, $10 quad frame, 51 minutes to build and fly - detail videos and pictures are up! - 06:43
- AUVSI publishes drones "Code of Conduct" - 04:27
- Famed photographer Edward Burtynsky uses drones - 03:06
- OpenROV makes Kickstarter target in first day! - 02:37
- Massimo Banzi on the power of open source hardware - 02:30
- A great rant on UAV video demos that use Unobtanium - 02:30
- Youcanfly has taken off: All the good DIYDrones products available now in Switzerland. - 02:15
- Losing the Shrike Again - Still Learning! - 01:40
- AutoQuad FC fw v6.6 - 00:00 - Mvorisek RSS
- Sollae: moduly EZL 50L/M(A) a jejich vývojové kity - 00:00
- Elegantní klasika – Marquardt 1820 - 00:00 - Mvorisek RSS - Mvorisek RSS
- Bibli si stáhněte na čtečku, vybízí hosty pokrokový hotel v Newcastlu - 21:15
- Nevyžádaná poptávka lstí ověřuje české e-mailové adresy pro další spam - 10:03
- KVIK: Sekunda navíc rozhodila linuxové servery. Brýle odhalí emoce v krvi - 08:36
- Canon ukázal zrcadlovku s dotykovým displejem - 00:00
- VIDEO: Největší fronta na maso. Stalinův pomník ožil na počítači - 00:00 - Radek Hulán - Mvorisek RSS

Deep in IT - Mvorisek RSS
- Myš Thermaltake Black Element Cyclone: větší hloupost jsme dlouho neviděli - 00:00
- Ultimate Edition 3.4 - ultimátní Ubuntu Linux přichází - 00:00
- Texas Instruments má 45nm on-chip zářič v THz pásmu - 00:00

PCTuning - Mvorisek RSS

Svět hardware - Mvorisek RSS
- Recenze: Philips 235PQ2EB: dokonalé e-IPS? - 02:00
- Kingmax má nové mSATA SSD MMP20 - 17:00
- CM Elite 120: skříň pro Mini ITX se zdrojem ATX - 13:00
- Canon si připravil univerzální a kompaktní stolní skener - 12:30
- Cisco má svůj první Smart Wi-Fi router s 5G WiFi - 11:00
- Antec začal dodávat na trh zdroje HCP Platinum 1000W - 10:00

TechSpot - Mvorisek RSS
- Graphics card overclocking record broken -- rig looks like a sci-fi movie set - 23:30
- Google's Nexus 7 tablet gets iFixit teardown, scores well on repairability scale - 22:30
- Amazon acquires UpNext, a 3D mapping upstart - 21:30
- Man fined $7,000 for sharing 'WordPress for Dummies' via BitTorrent - 20:30
- Samsung fails to lift U.S. sales ban on Galaxy Tab 10.1 - 20:00
- Leaked BlackBerry roadmap shows three new devices coming in 2013 - 19:00
- Google: Android 4.0 on 11% of devices, Gingerbread still on top - 18:00
- Tuesday tech deals: $20 off Logitech Wave keyboard/mouse combo - 17:00
- Microsoft could report Q4 losses after $6.2bn writedown of aQuantive - 16:00
- Cooler Master intros $50 enthusiast-grade Mini-ITX chassis - 14:30
- Nokia says Nexus 7 tablet infringes on their patents - 01:00
- "Leap second" bug, Amazon EC2 outage brought down major websites - 00:00

Hack a Day - Mvorisek RSS
- Game of chance built as a Red Bull Creation entry - 23:02
- Christmas prep starts early: MIDI control for strings of lights - 22:01
- Two-thirds of a casting foundry - 21:01
- Easy to build parts tumbler you can add to your shop - 20:01
- [Dino] upgrades his robot chassis - 19:01
- Noise pollution tit for tat uses the Baha Boys as a weapon - 17:02
- Turning the red bull cannon to assault mode - 16:01
- CNC Table Saw Jig - 15:01
- Start thinking 4th dimensionally with a time circuit tutorial - 14:01
- Dueling mechanical bulls - 13:02

ON Semiconductor - Mvorisek RSS
- Power Line Carrier Modem - 17:13

Tektronix - Mvorisek RSS
- MOST50, MOST150, CAN, LIN Compliance Solution - 16:30
- Jitter and Eye-diagram Analysis Tools - 16:30
- Digital and Mixed Signal Oscilloscopes - 16:30
- Digital Phosphor Oscilloscopes - 16:30
- Serial Triggering and Analysis Applications - 16:30
- Mixed Signal Oscilloscopes - 16:30
- TekExpress - 16:30
- Tektronix Application Developer Toolkit - 16:30
- MOST Essentials - Electrical Compliance and Debug Test Solution for MOST50 and MOST150 - 16:30
- DDR Memory Bus Electrical Validation and Analysis Software - 16:30