Mvorisek Czech Republic - Michael Voříšek
Archiv: 03.07.2019

DIY Drones - Mvorisek RSS

Deep in IT - Mvorisek RSS
- AMD láká na 72 MB GameCache [video] - 12:00
- Tipy na léto: Ochlaďte se příručním větráčkem a užijte si závistivé pohledy lidí - 10:30
- Tříměsíční Xbox Game Pass k nákupu Ryzenu 2000, Polaris a Vegy - 08:00
- GeForce RTX 2060 a 2070 Super přidávají 15-18 % výkonu - 00:00

Svět hardware - Mvorisek RSS
- Lék pro unavenou planetu? Vesmírný průmysl - 15:40
- Epic sám nabízí peníze zpět u her financovaných v rámci crowdfundingu - 15:00
- Raspberry Pi 4 má problémy s přehříváním, částečně je řeší nový firmware - 14:30
- Radeony RX 5700 se představují, proč mají stále chlazení s "vysavačem"? - 13:40
- AOC uvádí dva herní monitory s 0,5ms odezvou - 12:50
- Tesla vyrobila a dodala rekordně vysoké množství aut - 11:56
- NASA Orion má za sebou poslední hlavní test - 11:50
- AMD uvádí Radeon Pro WX 3200 v ceně 199 USD - 11:20

TechSpot - Mvorisek RSS
- Waymo receives permission to test its self-driving cars with passengers in California - 23:21
- Meet Godlua, the first known malware that leverages DNS over HTTPS - 22:33
- Microsoft is reportedly working on a cheaper, streaming-focused game console - 21:48
- Broadcom reportedly in talks to acquire cybersecurity giant Symantec - 21:15
- Canon is crowdfunding a clippable GoPro competitor - 20:45
- Google, Microsoft, Amazon and others plan to move production out of China - 20:11
- New iOS 13 feature makes it seem like you are looking at the camera during FaceTime calls - 19:29
- Alexa transcripts may persist even after deleted, Amazon reveals in letter to Senator - 19:05
- Stranger Things crossover event is unfolding in Fortnite - 17:27
- June Steam hardware survey: AMD losing CPU share to Intel, Windows 10 cements top OS spot - 15:47
- Lawmakers ask Facebook to pause its cryptocurrency plans - 15:22
- Netflix will count pennies for its future big-budget productions - 14:57
- AOC reveals two 240Hz Agon monitors with 0.5ms response times - 14:27
- Apple reveals App Store takedown requests by governments in its latest transparency report - 13:55
- Epic Games will refund Shenmue 3 backers angry about exclusivity deal - 13:15
- Survey: many iPhone owners believe their handset is 5G-capable - 12:20
- Wikipedia co-founder Larry Sanger calls for a social media boycott on July 4 and 5 - 11:51
- Tesla stock pops after setting new production and delivery records - 03:11
- AMD offers up three months of Xbox Game Pass for PC to new customers - 02:12
- A bug in firewall systems took Cloudflare customers offline - 00:25

Hack a Day - Mvorisek RSS
- A Briefcase Pentesting Rig For The Discerning Hacker - 22:00
- Neural Network Smartens Up A Security System - 20:30