Mvorisek Czech Republic - Michael Voříšek
Archiv: 03.09.2013

DIY Drones - Mvorisek RSS
- Pixhawk Details #2: Multicolor led and connector demo - 23:23
- ghetto fpv quadcopter: idea 2 - 21:30
- Where are the autonomous hovercraft? - 20:37
- Piksi RTK GPS Receiver Kickstarter Campaign - 1 day left! - 19:00
- QGroundControl 2.0 tech preview release - 18:51
- Sky Sapience Delivers Pre-Production Hovermast to the IDF - 15:30
- Finally up and running with my first rig, Thank You DIY Drones. - 12:00
- $3.50 Repair FrSky DIY DHT module after reverse polarity mistake. - 10:34
- September is Drone Community Service Month - 03:15
- [Update] DroidPlanner v0.14.2 - 02:20
- Andropilot beta release 1.7.00 - Improved support for AC 3.01 - 02:00 - Mvorisek RSS
- Poprvé na dně moře. Za okénky se stmívá, objevují se světélkující živočichové - 10:15
- Představujeme nejlepší správce souborů pro Windows - 00:00
- Na palubě je 269 lidí a všichni zemřou. Korejský Boeing 747 bude sestřelen - 00:00

Deep in IT - Mvorisek RSS
- ARM SoC Allwinner A10 a A13 získaly podporu dekódování videa díky reverznímu inženýrství - 14:20
- Samsung předvede 32palcový 4k monitor a UltraHD TV s úhlopříčkou 249 cm - 12:52
- Linux kernel 3.12 přinese podporu eDRAM v CPU Haswell (+ přehled modelů) - 11:25

PCTuning - Mvorisek RSS

Svět hardware - Mvorisek RSS
- Recenze: Cooler Master N600: slušný mainstream - 02:00
- WD uvádí 2,5" disky Red speciálně pro NAS - 17:30
- Microsoft od Nokie odkoupí její mobilní divizi - 09:20
- Zalman nabídne herní optickou myš s Avago A5050 - 09:00

TechSpot - Mvorisek RSS
- Kodak crawls out of bankruptcy as a commercial printing company - 23:30
- Xbox One to support up to eight controllers simultaneously - 22:30
- Western Digital expands Red line to include 2.5-inch drives - 21:30
- Key Lime Pie is out, KitKat is in as codename for next Android version - 20:45
- Apple sends out media invitations for September 10 iPhone event - 20:00
- Amazon accidentally lists new Kindle Paperwhite ahead of time - 19:15
- Get paid to sell your personal data to companies with Handshake - 18:30
- The Nymi smart bracelet uses cardiac rhythms to control your smartphone, car and more - 18:02
- Images of colorful iPhone 5Cs in plastic packaging surface - 16:30
- Spotify partners with home-audio manufacturers for new Connect service - 15:30
- Time Warner Cable, CBS reach agreement to end blackout - 14:30
- Windows Phone OEMs still important as Microsoft targets 15% market share - 13:30
- Intel Ivy Bridge-E Debuts: Core i7-4960X Review - 09:00
- ThinkPad Ultrabook refresh: Lenovo launches thinner X and T models - 06:00
- Microsoft buys Nokia's Devices and Services unit for 5.4 billion Euros - 05:51
- Microsoft buys Nokia's Devices and Services unit for Â5.4bn - 05:51
- PlayStation 4 camera peripheral will support voice commands - 00:30

Hack a Day - Mvorisek RSS
- Another Arduino clone is the last thing the world needs - 23:00
- Retrotechtacular: 6CH industrial robot - 21:01
- The JavaScript of Things - 19:00
- A weekend trip to verify general relativity - 18:00
- Finally, a practical use for the Leap - 17:00

Freescale Semiconductor - Mvorisek RSS

Tektronix - Mvorisek RSS
- Digital and Mixed Signal Oscilloscopes - 16:30
- GoldLite Service Plan - 16:30
- HEVC / AVC Video and Compressed Audio Analyzer - 16:30