Mvorisek Czech Republic - Michael Voříšek
Archiv: 03.12.2020

Deep in IT - Mvorisek RSS
- Test Rocket Lake v GeekBench ukazuje velmi silného konkurenta pro… Ryzen 7 3800X - 12:00
- 45W Ryzeny 5000H vzniknou čistě na jádrech Zen 3 a přidají 300 MHz v základu - 08:00
- Asus a Gigabyte nabízejí GeForce RTX 3090 s odstředivým chladičem - 00:00

PCTuning - Mvorisek RSS

Svět hardware - Mvorisek RSS
- Na Floridě zlepšili vlastnosti perovskitů pomocí pigmentu chinakridonu - 22:00
- AMD i díky Ryzenům 5000 drtí Intel na Mindfactory - 14:40
- Jaký přínos má AMD Smart Access Memory na desce s Intel Z490? - 13:35
- Lisa Su opět promluví v keynote na CES 2021 - 13:05
- Intel Rocket Lake na 5 GHz útočí i na Ryzen 7 5800X - 12:00

TechSpot - Mvorisek RSS
- Some iPhone 12 owners are finding their batteries draining fast while idle - 23:21
- Nreal partners with Vodafone to launch mixed reality glasses in Europe - 22:38
- Supergiant opens pre-orders for 10th anniversary album of music from its games - 21:47
- Google will let users bypass select publisher paywalls through Google News - 21:13
- This radio-proximity exploit can quietly take over your iPhone without you knowing it - 20:41
- You can now pre-order a 57lb statue of the Witcher 3's Geralt for $1,300 - 19:56
- Hulu rolls out Watch Party support to all subscribers - 19:24
- Google is letting regular users capture Street View images with their smartphones - 18:51
- AutoX is the first company to deploy completely driverless vehicles on China's streets - 18:04
- More than 40 states are expected to sue Facebook next week - 17:41
- The Game Awards has opened up voting for the Player's Choice category - 17:09
- Amazon is finally replacing 'stolen' PS5s in the UK - 16:16
- Unknown hackers are targeting the Covid-19 cold chain - 15:15
- A third metal monolith appears, this one in California - 12:22
- Discovery+ streaming service to launch in January, starts at $4.99 per month - 12:11
- AMD erodes more of Intel's CPU share in Steam Survey, GTX 1060 remains top graphics card - 11:18
- A Gallery of Weird Keyboard Layouts: From Colemak to C'HWERTY - 08:23
- Google accused of illegally spying on employees before firing them - 00:50
- Uber reportedly looking to sell off Elevate, its flying taxi division - 00:26