Mvorisek Czech Republic - Michael Voříšek
Archiv: 04.02.2020

Deep in IT - Mvorisek RSS
- SiSoft: $3990 Threadripper 3990X o 18 % rychlejší než 2 Xeony 8280 za $20 018 - 12:00
- RECENZE: ASUS ROG PUGIO II – bezdrátový myšík i pro leváky - 10:00
- Chytá Intel Core i5 s 6 jádry a 8 vlákny? - 08:00
- Výpočetní Ampere bude o 70-75 % rychlejší než Volta, dorazí v létě - 00:00

PCTuning - Mvorisek RSS

Svět hardware - Mvorisek RSS
- Shorteři akcií Tesly na úspěchu automobilky prodělali už 22 mld. USD - 15:31
- Yuneec uvádí novou kameru E30Z s 30× zoomem pro dron H520 - 14:48
- Blizzard reagoval na stížnosti na kvalitu hry Warcraft 3: Reforged - 13:30
- Uber pozastavil účty řidičům i cestujícím, kteří přišli do styku s koronavirem - 13:13
- Vzdálená binární hvězda potvrzuje teorii o strhávání časoprostoru - 13:00
- SK Hynix snižuje kapitálové náklady, o růstu cen NAND a DRAM mluví s opatrností - 12:20
- Samsung ohlásil 3. generaci pamětí HBM2E: 3,2 Gb/s nebo i víc - 11:30

TechSpot - Mvorisek RSS
- MIT's 'RFocus' smart surface uses tiny antennas to amplify wireless signals by up to 10x - 23:30
- Qualcomm shows what 8K video looks like on a Snapdragon 865 - 22:56
- Watch this: Doom Eternal's first 10 minutes revealed in gory, 60 FPS gameplay clip - 22:21
- Twitter fixes flaw in its API that allowed attackers to match users to their phone numbers - 21:50
- Up to 34% off Samsung monitors and tablets on Amazon today, Dell XPS 15 is only $850 - 21:31
- Tesla's stock has rallied nearly 60 percent in one week - 20:48
- Fallout 76 will come to Steam on April 7, alongside human NPC-focused 'Wastelanders' expansion - 20:24
- Kovaak 2.0: The Meta is an esports training program for budding and professional gamers - 19:59
- Nvidia opens next chapter of cloud gaming with GeForce Now, set to challenge Google's Stadia - 19:36
- Blizzard is addressing Warcraft III: Reforged shortcomings - 18:19
- Anti-solar panels pointed at space could generate power at night - 17:20
- Google says it accidentally exported users' videos in Google Photos to strangers - 15:25
- The liquid-cooled Poco X2 features a 120Hz display, quad-camera array for $225 - 14:51
- Coronavirus not expected to affect global DRAM and NAND supplies - 14:17
- PlayStation 4 console and game sales decline as PS5 approaches - 13:45
- This DualShock 4 connected to a treadmill makes Death Stranding a lot less fun - 13:07
- NASA's air pollution sensor will provide hourly updates on atmosphere quality across North America - 12:15
- Notepad, Paint, and WordPad to become optional features in Windows 10 - 11:20
- Alphabet turns in solid quarterly and full year report with growth across multiple segments - 00:26

Hack a Day - Mvorisek RSS
- Hoverboard Grows Up, Becomes Magnetic Drill Press - 22:00
- China x86 Chips Hitting the Market - 20:30