Mvorisek Czech Republic - Michael Voříšek
Archiv: 04.04.2019

Deep in IT - Mvorisek RSS
- Intel ohlásil Agilex, 10nm FPGA pro datacentra - 12:00
- Gigabyte chystá 10 high-endových desek pro Zen 2 - 08:00
- Intel uvedl 400W 56jádrový Xeon Platinum se dvěma 28j. čipy Cascade Lake - 00:00

PCTuning - Mvorisek RSS

Svět hardware - Mvorisek RSS
- Počítače Toshiba mění své jméno na Dynabook - 20:26
- Gigabyte chystá výkonná Aorus RGB AIC NVMe SSD - 14:30
- Intel Xeon s 56 jádry dosahuje 400W TDP na základním taktu - 13:48
- Kotaku: proč je Anthem problémový a měli by Bioware už opustit engine Frostbite? - 13:20
- Cooler Master Masterbox Q500L: malý, levný, elegantní - 12:40
- Akcie firmy AMD rostou, stejně jako její objednávky 7nm waferů u TSMC - 11:50

TechSpot - Mvorisek RSS
- Jeff Bezos retains Amazon voting power after finalizing divorce - 23:14
- Palm's tiny companion phone is now available as a standalone device - 22:31
- Microsoft will soon let you delay Windows 10 updates for up to 35 days - 21:28
- Dark Energy Spectroscopic Instrument snaps its first image of the sky - 20:38
- Internet Archive recovers half a million 'lost' MySpace songs - 20:03
- Amazon's latest initiative is Project Kuiper, a constellation of Internet-beaming satellites - 19:04
- Become a Python Pro with this bundle - 18:28
- Gigabyte's new motherboard and CPU combo takes the guesswork out of overclocking - 17:42
- MIT breaks ties with Huawei and ZTE over security risks, government investigations - 16:07
- Epic says its exclusivity deals will continue, regardless of a game's Steam plans - 15:33
- Intel debuts Wi-Fi 6 AX200 adapter at an affordable price - 14:44
- Facebook is killing off its Windows Phone apps on April 30 - 14:11
- In 2010, the U.S. Air Force used over a thousand game consoles to build a supercomputer... which ... - 13:53
- Intel delays put 2020's 5G iPhones at risk, could see Apple use in-house solution - 13:15
- Over 500 million Facebook user records discovered on public Amazon servers - 12:20
- IBM's human resource AI can predict when employees are about to leave the company - 01:16
- Game of Thrones piracy accounted for 17 percent of malware-infested show downloads in 2018 - 00:11

Hack a Day - Mvorisek RSS
- Pocket-Sized Deauther Could Definitely Get You In Trouble - 22:00
- Solar Circuit Sculpture Pumms the Night Away - 20:30