Mvorisek Czech Republic - Michael Voříšek
Archiv: 04.04.2022

Svět hardware - Mvorisek RSS
- Elon Musk koupil 9,2 % akcií Twitteru, má 4krát více než Dorsey - 20:48
- Core i9-12900KS v podrobném testu, máme tu herní jedničku - 17:20
- Ryzen Master v Adrenalinu mění nastavení CPU bez vědomí uživatele - 15:25
- Tesla: video z průletu berlínské továrny dronem, dodávky opět rekordní - 13:11
- Radeony RX 6950X, RX 6750XT a RX 6650 XT potvrzeny, přijdou později - 13:00
- Karty s RTX 3090 Ti jsou očividně připraveny pro čipy AD102 další generace - 12:40
- Radeon RX 6400 od AIB potichl vklouzl na trh, ceny zatím nenadchnou - 12:05

TechSpot - Mvorisek RSS
- Modders unveil gameplay for upcoming Half-Life: Alyx campaign - 23:35
- Franz lets you combine messaging services and multiple accounts into a single app - 23:26
- Amazon is hosting a "buy 2, get 1 free" sale on hundreds of video games - 21:38
- Audi infotainment system informs owners of unpaid options - 21:02
- Hertz is buying 65,000 vehicles from Polestar to diversify its EV fleet - 20:30
- Check out the first episode of Halo on YouTube for free - 18:46
- World of Warcraft's upcoming expansion may be called 'Dragonflight' - 18:11
- Jack Dorsey regrets helping create a centralized Internet - 17:11
- World of Tanks developer is quitting Russia and Belarus - 16:37
- Russia says it will quit the ISS, but NASA wants cooperation to continue - 15:24
- Google-commissioned survey claims Microsoft tech makes governments less secure - 14:52
- Elon Musk buys 9.2% of Twitter, complains about its free-speech stance - 14:35
- March Steam survey: best performance yet for RTX 3000 series, AMD CPUs lose ground for second con... - 14:03
- What Ever Happened to Adobe Flash? - 13:11
- Razer Kraken headphones allegedly save a life by deflecting bullet - 12:19
- Grab a lifetime license of Microsoft Office for 85% off - 04:57

Hack a Day - Mvorisek RSS
- Monitor Space Weather And The Atmosphere With your Cellphone! - 22:00
- Levitate The NE555 Way - 20:00