Mvorisek Czech Republic - Michael Voříšek
Archiv: 04.06.2019
Deep in IT - Mvorisek RSS
- Přenosný opakovač Wi-Fi? Xiaomi Mi WiFi Repeater 2 zapojíte i do powerbanky - 22:59
- Loňské čipsety X470 nebudou podporovat PCIe 4.0 - 12:00
- AMD: IHS procesorů Ryzen 3000 je pájené - 08:00
- Samsung si licencoval grafickou architekturu RDNA od AMD - 00:00
PCTuning - Mvorisek RSS
Svět hardware - Mvorisek RSS
- Rukavice se senzory pomůže robotům rozpoznávat předměty - 17:35
- Microsoft chce na Steam dostat všechny své exkluzivity, brzy začne i letní výprodej - 16:30
- AMD ohlašuje karty Radeon Pro Vega II a Pro Vega II Duo - 16:00
- NVIDIA GeForce RTX 2070 Ti: nová karta by měla mít 2560 CUDA jader - 15:30
- Německý ministr chce zakázat komunikátory s end-to-end šifrováním - 15:20
- Apple konečně aktualizoval nabídku počítačů Mac Pro - 14:40
TechSpot - Mvorisek RSS
- Two iOS app developers file suit against Apple, claiming the App Store is a monopoly - 23:46
- Gearbox Software allows cancer-stricken fan to name a Borderlands 3 shotgun - 22:56
- Xbox is getting its own line of personal hygiene products - 22:33
- Microsoft adds 'variable refresh rate' setting to Windows 10 with version 1903 - 21:45
- Evidence of Apple's tracking fob appears in iOS 13 beta - 20:41
- Ikea announces 'Rognan,' a shape-shifting robotic furniture set - 20:17
- World's largest offshore wind farm goes online in the UK - 19:46
- Sega announces final 12 games for the Genesis Mini - 18:32
- Opinion: Apple blurs lines across devices - 17:53
- Seagate's 16TB HDDs are now available to purchase - 17:20
- YouTuber gets 15-month prison sentence, $22,300 fine for giving homeless man toothpaste-filled Oreos - 16:03
- Listing reveals Watch Dogs 3's London setting, players can control any NPC - 15:42
- The top-specced Mac Pro could cost around $45,000 - 15:05
- Windows 10's 32GB storage requirement now only applies to new OEM PCs - 14:37
- The UK's first digital download chart contains some unexpected games - 13:59
- iOS 13 officially supports Xbox and PlayStation gamepads, iPad gets mouse support - 13:15
- Huawei denies it is cutting back phone production - 12:20
- iPadOS is the new vertical OS for iPads that will finally support USB file transfers - 00:35
Hack a Day - Mvorisek RSS
Tektronix - Mvorisek RSS
- 3 Series MDO Firmware - V1.4.26 - 09:02