Mvorisek Czech Republic - Michael Voříšek
Archiv: 04.08.2023

Svět hardware - Mvorisek RSS
- James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) vyfotil snímek prstencové mlhoviny Messier 57 - 21:25
- Great Power spouští úložiště 5MW/10MWh se sodíkovými bateriemi Na-Ion - 18:52
- Western Digital začne dodávat 28TB disky s technologií UltraSMR - 12:30
- AMD Radeon RX 7500: údajně 1792 jader a vysoká spotřeba 130 W - 07:30

TechSpot - Mvorisek RSS
- Researchers jailbreak Tesla using unpatchable AMD hardware flaw for free feature upgrades - 21:01
- Qualcomm's quarterly results mirror broader smartphone market decline - 20:03
- Repairability vs reliability: Apple argues that removable batteries add a potential failure point... - 19:21
- Quake II remaster could debut at QuakeCon next week - 18:08
- Amazon is embracing generative AI across every one of its business units - 17:16
- Japanese researchers cut semiconductor wafers from diamonds with a new laser technique - 16:19
- Man tapes 68 iPhones to his body in another foiled attempt at smuggling tech into China - 15:09
- Five Eyes intelligence agencies discloses the 12 top-exploited vulnerabilities of 2022 - 14:37
- Alienware launches redesigned Aurora R16 desktop, starting at $1,750 - 13:55
- Nokia resurrects the past with its latest feature phones - 13:15
- Apple's hardware sales fell during the last quarter, but its services division had a record three... - 12:18

Hack a Day - Mvorisek RSS
- If the Shoe Doesn’t Fit, Print it! - 22:00
- Hackaday Prize 2023: One-Handed Soldering with the Solder Sustainer - 20:30