Mvorisek Czech Republic - Michael Voříšek
Archiv: 04.10.2017

DIY Drones - Mvorisek RSS
- Blimpduino flies again! - 00:37

Deep in IT - Mvorisek RSS
- AMD Threadripper / X399 dostal podporu NVMe RAID - 15:30
- Koupili Ryzen 5 1600/X, získali osm jader z výroby - 13:00
- Patent na S3TC vypršel, chystá se podpora v Mesa - 10:30
- 3D Mark nabídne 4k s DX12 a optimalizací >8jádrových procesorů - 08:00
- Dlouhověkost digitálních fotoaparátů? - 00:00

PCTuning - Mvorisek RSS

Svět hardware - Mvorisek RSS
- Intel přeznačí Pentia z generace Kaby Lake na Pentium Gold - 17:00
- Překonaly už Windows 10 popularitu sedmiček? - 14:30
- Zemřel bývalý CEO a prezident Intelu Paul Otellini - 14:00
- Procesorů Coffee Lake má být zezačátku nedostatek - 13:30
- HGST představuje první 14TB pevný disk - 13:00

TechSpot - Mvorisek RSS
- Russia may be using drones to hack the phones of NATO soldiers in Eastern Europe - 23:57
- OS update solves crackling sounds in Apple iPhone 8 - 23:39
- Google's new Pixel phones ditch the headphone jack to offer $160 wireless buds - 22:45
- This is the new Google Pixel 2 - 21:52
- Oats Studios and Unity release follow-up to short film Adam and promise a third - 21:14
- TSMC is building the world's first 3nm semiconductor facility in Taiwan - 20:33
- How much did the first CD recorder cost? - 19:51
- European Commission says Apple owes $15 billion in taxes, Amazon owes $249 million - 19:08
- The retro-style Stranger Things: The Game arrives on Android/iOS for free - 18:21
- Archeology grad is excavating the ruins of an abandoned No Man's Sky player civilization - 17:33
- Watch Live: Google Pixel 2 event - 16:55
- Intel rebrands Kaby Lake Pentiums as Pentium Gold - 16:23
- Dropbox rebranding places a focus on creativity - 15:54
- Ultra HD Blu-ray discs can be ripped using DeUHD software, bypassing copy protection - 15:05
- Honda shows off its disaster recovery robot - 14:08
- FCC Chairman Ajit Pai re-elected to new term despite strong criticism - 13:09
- And it keeps growing: Yahoo reveals that 3 billion user accounts have been at risk since 2013 - 02:22
- Samsung's Windows Mixed Reality headset comes with integrated headphones - 01:33
- State of Georgia to consider creating a city named Amazon - 00:44