Mvorisek Czech Republic - Michael Voříšek
Archiv: 04.11.2013

DIY Drones - Mvorisek RSS
- Probably the smallest arducopter frame? - 23:12
- We are not worthy - 22:36
- 3D Robotics is searching for a PCB Designer - 21:30
- A little video I would like to share with you ;) - 18:30
- AUAV3 development board at lower price - 16:59
- "Drone Strike" Shame on CNN! - 16:18
- Introducing QUADDICT - 10:59
- PX4 Segway Robot - 07:00 - Mvorisek RSS
- Američané vyvíjejí dron, který za hodinu doletí z New Yorku do Londýna - 17:02
- Googlu v reklamě unikl tajemný malý tablet, nebo pokřivený Nexus 7 - 14:38
- Windows 8.1 za čtrnáct dnů překonaly podíl Linuxu - 11:45
- Tipy na zajímavé weby: čeština v malíku a kreslení ve 3D - 00:00
- Možná nevíte, že z Prahy se létá do stratosféry třikrát denně už 56 let - 00:00
- Hledáme u partnerů podobu rodičů? Zkoumá to Češka s policejní technikou - 00:00

Deep in IT - Mvorisek RSS
- Vyšlo OpenBSD 5.4 - 15:08
- Co chybí Windows 8 a Surface? Reklama za půl miliardy… - 12:17
- GeForce GTX 780 Ti překoná Titan a Radeon R9 290X výkonem, spotřebou i cenou - 10:06
- Německý Telekom chce nastavit datové limity pro uživatele internetu - 07:45

PCTuning - Mvorisek RSS

Svět hardware - Mvorisek RSS
- Recenze: Asustor AS-202TE: NAS jako mediální server - 01:00
- AMD Mantle se uplatní i u her Thief, Star Citizen a dalších - 16:00
- Gamdias Zeus: podsvícená myš specializovaná na MMORPG - 15:20
- HGST uvádí 6TB pevné disky plněné héliem - 10:40
- Některé routery TP-Link mají vážný bezpečnostní problém - 09:00

TechSpot - Mvorisek RSS
- More than half of Android devices are now running Jelly Bean 4.1 or higher - 23:00
- One day only: Amazon slashes 15 percent off Kindles in celebration of recent FAA decision - 22:00
- Bugbear gives Kickstarter backers a chance to name its next car game - 21:00
- Microsoft working to remedy gaming-related Windows 8.1 mousing issues - 20:00
- Google's Motorola teases Moto G event on November 13 - 19:31
- Google reportedly pushing for Chromebook development with high performance ARM SoCs - 19:00
- Fairfax's $4.7 billion acquisition of BlackBerry is off the table, CEO Thorsten Heins steps down - 18:15
- badBIOS: The unstoppable malware that infects firmware, jumps 'Airgaps' - 17:30
- iPad Air adoption five times higher than previous generation during opening weekend - 16:45
- Internet might someday lose its dependency on servers, rely on P2P instead - 16:00
- Control your garage door opener from your smartphone with Wi-Fi connected Garageio - 15:15
- Western Digital packs helium into new 6 TB hard drive - 14:30
- Windows 8 loses market share for the first time... sort of - 13:30

Hack a Day - Mvorisek RSS
- Trinket Contest Update #7 - 23:01
- Manufacturer-Crippled Flir E4 Thermal Camera Hacked to Perform as High-End Model - 22:01
- Hacking and Philosophy: The Mentor’s Manifesto - 20:01
- HHH: CNC Winners - 18:01

Analog Devices - Mvorisek RSS
- ADDI7013, Dual-Channel CCD Signal Processor with Precision Timing Core - 21:11
- ADUM1446, Micropower Quad-Channel Digital Isolator, Default Low (3/1 Channel Directionality) - 19:41
- ADUM1440, Micropower Quad-Channel Digital Isolator, Default High (4/0 Channel Directionality) - 19:28
- AD9139, 16-Bit, 1600 MSPS, TxDAC+ Digital-to-Analog Converter - 17:59
- ADUM1445, Micropower Quad-Channel Digital Isolator, Default Low (4/0 Channel Directionality) - 19:34
- ADM8319, Supervisory Circuit with Manual Reset, Active-Low and Active-High Push-Pull Reset Outputs - 17:47
- ADUM7223, Isolated Precision Half-Bridge Driver, 4 A Output - 18:29
- ADM8324, Supervisory Circuit with Windowed Watchdog, Manual Reset, and Active-Low Open-Drain Rese... - 17:56
- ADM8323, Supervisory Circuit with Windowed Watchdog, Manual Reset, and Active-Low Push-Pull Reset... - 17:53

Freescale Semiconductor - Mvorisek RSS