Mvorisek Czech Republic - Michael Voříšek
Archiv: 04.12.2017

DIY Drones - Mvorisek RSS

Deep in IT - Mvorisek RSS
- Microsoft Edge už si můžete vychutnat v iOS i Androidu! [video] - 14:00
- TÉMA – Nejhorší hry, které pod stromečkem naštvou víc než fusekle - 12:00
- Z YouTube se stal velký bratr 2.0 - 10:00
- Poskytujete svým klientům mailové služby? Přeneste je do CloudMailu - 09:00
- Xiaomi Redmi 5 oficiálně potvrzen – 7. prosince bude představen veřejnosti - 08:00
- AMD a Nvidia se připravují na DOOM VFR, snad první AAA PC střílečku pro VR - 00:00

PCTuning - Mvorisek RSS

Svět hardware - Mvorisek RSS
- Kometa Churyumov-Gerasimenko je z poloviny tvořena organickým materiálem - 16:50
- Amazon si patentoval bezpečnou sebedestrukci svých dronů - 16:00
- Chystá se nová HEDT platforma: Intel Cascade Lake-X - 15:20
- Chrome pro Windows nabídne pro vyšší stabilitu blokaci injekce kódu - 14:30
- EA dokončilo akvizici dalšího studia, tentokrát Respawn Entertainment - 13:50
- Flat Earth Society si utahuje z Muska: Mars je na rozdíl od Země kulatý - 12:40
- JPR: NVIDIA na trhu s GPU posiluje a je na 72,8 % - 11:50

TechSpot - Mvorisek RSS
- 28 Senators ask FCC to delay net neutrality vote, Pai's office says vote will continue as scheduled - 23:48
- EA developers once again tweak Star Wars Battlefront II's progression system - 23:13
- If you don't care about water resistance or a great camera, Razer's phone got your back - 22:58
- Mega Man 11 is coming in late 2018 with a new art style - 22:17
- Lamborghini's 'Super' SUV, the Urus, arrives next spring - 21:57
- House of Cards could be returning for an eight-episode finale in 2018 - 21:21
- IBM shows off tenfold improvement in machine learning using GPUs - 20:44
- Speedrunner breaks 15-year-old GoldenEye 007 record - 20:01
- Freebie: PHP & MySQL - Novice to Ninja, 6th edition - 19:44
- Patent filing reveals potentially life-saving "take me home" spacesuit function for astronauts - 19:04
- Google shares the top Android apps of 2017 - 18:13
- When was the first commercial text message (SMS) sent? - 17:52
- Facebook launches Messenger Kids, a standalone messaging app with parental supervision for kids - 17:09
- Google's London HQ could be the first of many 'landscraper' buildings - 15:59
- A Star Wars edition of the OnePlus 5T launches next week - 15:15
- Pay what you want for 8 ethical hacking courses - 14:44
- BlackBerry ordered to pay Nokia $137 million over patent contract dispute - 14:10
- Google cracks down on apps that gather personal data without consent - 13:26
- Quantum Link (AOL pre-1991) first provided online services for the owners of what computers? - 12:56
- Sony's PlayStation VR free trial program already full up - 12:15
- PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds (PUBG) CPU Test - 06:00

Hack a Day - Mvorisek RSS
- Slinky Walks Down Stairs and Picks up 80m Band - 22:00
- Kristin Paget is Hacking Carrier Grade LTE eNodeB - 20:31