Mvorisek Czech Republic - Michael Voříšek
Archiv: 05.02.2019

Deep in IT - Mvorisek RSS
- Microsoft slibuje, že modrá obrazovka bude obsahovat více informací - 14:00
- AMD umožnila instalovat profesionální ovladače na herní Radeony - 12:00
- Apple si pantentoval unikátní skleněnou klávesnici - 10:00
- GlobalFoundries se zbavuje továrny v Singapuru - 08:00
- Core i5-9600K a Core i5-9400F skrývají pod IHS různá jádra - 00:00

PCTuning - Mvorisek RSS

Svět hardware - Mvorisek RSS
- Proč je severní a jižní polární záře odlišná? Jde o směr slunečního větru - 16:40
- The Replicator: rychlá 3D tiskárna využívající světlo - 16:00
- 4A Games oficiálně reagují na kontroverzi kolem hry Metro Exodus - 15:00
- Gigabyte uvádí Z390 Aorus Xtreme Waterforce a chystá se propouštět - 14:10
- Asus: GPU Tweak II nezobrazuje reklamy, ale jen zástupný obrázek - 13:30
- 3DMark přidal do ray tracovaného Port Royal podporu DLSS, pomůže to? - 13:00
- SpaceX zažehlo nový motor Raptor pro Starship - 12:00
- Hořící elektromobily: časované bomby na silnicích? - 01:00

TechSpot - Mvorisek RSS
- Low-paid workers unknowingly helped Google build controversial AI for military drones - 23:54
- Slack has filed for a direct IPO - 23:23
- Engineers says self-charging pacemakers are only about five years away - 22:36
- Russian trolls are still wreaking havoc on many Reddit communities - 22:10
- Facebook adds unsend feature to Messenger - 21:44
- AllenAI aims to learn common sense by playing Pictionary - 21:11
- Apple has reportedly paid out €500 million to France's tax authorities - 20:32
- Google's new Chrome extension can detect unsafe login credentials - 20:01
- Over 400 developers are working on Cyberpunk 2077 - 19:32
- 3DMark's Port Royal benchmark now supports Nvidia's DLSS - 18:40
- New Radeon and GeForce drivers bring improvements, Apex Legends optimizations - 18:19
- The FBI conducted a sting operation on Huawei during CES - 17:33
- Opinion: Could embedded 5G/LTE kill Wi-Fi? - 16:54
- Apex Legends gains over a million players in under eight hours - 16:21
- Magnetic north is moving quickly causing compasses to show misleading directions - 15:40
- OnePlus wants you to design the next OxygenOS feature - 15:17
- Tesla buys Maxwell Technologies for its ultracapacitor secrets - 14:50
- Firefox will start muting autoplaying videos next month - 14:14
- Titanfall producer says 'we are not making Titanfall 3' - 13:38
- Apple Watch's fall detection feature saves man's life - 13:03
- Best Value FreeSync Monitors for GeForce Owners - 12:06
- Apple stores some of its Russian users' data on local servers - 11:25