Mvorisek Czech Republic - Michael Voříšek
Archiv: 05.03.2018

Deep in IT - Mvorisek RSS
- Apple zařízení vydrží uživatelům dle analýzy v průměru 51 měsíců - 14:00
- Nové GeForce se prý zdrží a nebudou Ampere ale Turing - 12:00
- Hledání ultimátního telefonu, nikoliv šmatlaphonu - 10:00
- První test staví Kaby Lake-G až na úroveň Radeonu R9 290X / RX 480 - 08:00
- Těžaři loni koupili 3 miliony grafických karet v hodnotě $776 milionů - 00:00

PCTuning - Mvorisek RSS

Svět hardware - Mvorisek RSS
- EU chystá daň pro firmy jako Apple, Amazon, FB a Google - 18:42
- Jaguar uvedl elektrické SUV I-PACE s 90kWh baterií - 15:28
- Nové DLC pro Prey nás asi pošle na Měsíc - 14:30
- Dropbox uzavřel partnerství s Google Drive - 12:20
- Final Fantasy XV cracknut ještě před vypuštením na trh - 11:50
- Moddeři zprovoznili Coffee Lake na Intel 100 a 200 Series - 11:10

TechSpot - Mvorisek RSS
- Netflix will soon let parents block their kids from watching specific shows and movies - 23:38
- Pizza Hut's new high-tops let you order pizza from your sneakers - 22:59
- Samsung opts to roll out updates less often on select devices - 22:23
- Levi's turns to lasers to modernize manufacturing - 21:41
- Harvard researchers develop high-tech hip-assistance shorts for those with walking troubles - 20:58
- Switch 'Y2K' bug seems to reset game progress after one year - 20:22
- Netflix teases the final season of House of Cards - 19:46
- Amazon may begin offering branded checking accounts - 19:03
- Google is selling Zagat to upstart review site The Infatuation - 18:29
- Microsoft will allow Azure to be run on private government servers - 17:52
- Apple aims to enter the high-end headphones market - 17:14
- Apple will reportedly launch a cheaper MacBook Air this spring - 16:41
- Xiaomi may finally enter the US smartphone market this year - 16:06
- February Steam hardware survey: Rift moves ahead of Vive, GTX 1060 remains top GPU - 15:21
- Unlock a career in ethical hacking with these five courses - 14:42
- Blizzard marks 20-year anniversary of StarCraft with in-game giveaways and short film - 13:38
- What is the single best-selling desktop personal computer model? - 13:08
- Modders get Coffee Lake CPU running on 200/100-series chipset motherboards - 12:12
- The Best CPU Coolers - 06:08