Mvorisek Czech Republic - Michael Voříšek
Archiv: 05.05.2016

DIY Drones - Mvorisek RSS
- Angled aluminum motor shims for 450 frame - 22:41
- Precision geotagging images using Emlid Reach, Canon S100, CHDK, KAP script and RTKlib – Proof of... - 13:30
- А new technology of UAV-based thermal surveying by Geoscan - 11:00 - Mvorisek RSS
- První Czech IoT Summit - 06:25
- Přichází nová pájecí stanice HBT-1050 - 08:06

Deep in IT - Mvorisek RSS
- Samsung s Nvidií zakopaly válečnou sekyru - 16:00
- Indie zakázala Applu dovážet refurbished iPhony - 14:00
- Intel pohřbil telefonní Atomy SoFIA / Broxton / Willow Trail - 12:00
- 75palcová 4k HDR TV v Británii za 85 tisíc Kč - 10:00
- Polaris 10 výkonnostně nahradí Radeony R9 390 / 390X - 08:00
- Adblock Plus a Flattr spojují síly, chtějí platit webům za absenci reklamy - 00:00

PCTuning - Mvorisek RSS

Svět hardware - Mvorisek RSS
- Robotická paže do vesmíru: vědci se inspirovali mořským ježkem - 22:55
- NOAA zkoumá Mariánský příkop, sledovat můžete živě - 14:36
- AMD má zezačátku vyrábět výhradně 8jádrové Zeny - 13:50
- Intel 5820K vs. 6850K: jak si vede Broadwell-E? - 13:16
- Jak dlouho člověk vydrží ve virtuální realitě? - 11:05
- Ruský hacker dal k volně dispozici 232 milionů hesel k e-mailům - 10:22

TechSpot - Mvorisek RSS
- Windows 10 is now installed on 300 million devices, free upgrade offer to end this summer - 23:30
- Betty White has a message for you on World Password Day 2016 - 22:30
- Netflix now lets you decide how much data to consume when streaming over cellular - 21:45
- LAPD hacked iPhone 5s belonging to murdered wife of 'Shield' actor as FBI struggled with iPhone 5c - 21:00
- Vans to release a Nintendo-themed retro shoe collection - 20:15
- Garmin's $149 Vivomove combines analog watch looks with activity tracker functions - 19:30
- Bitcoin 'creator' Craig Wright reneges on promise to provide undeniable proof he is Satoshi - 18:45
- Siri's creators will reveal a new and improved AI assistant next week - 18:00
- Haptic retargeting enables convincing touch control in the virtual world - 17:15
- Now Windows 10 updates are ruining Counter-Strike Twitch streams - 16:15
- WinZip, apparently still a thing, launches Universal app for Windows 10 - 15:15
- AMD quietly launches second-generation Radeon R3 solid state drives - 14:30
- Hacker trades 272 million stolen email addresses and passwords, many from Gmail, Yahoo, and Hotmail - 13:15
- PieMessage brings unofficial iMessage support to Android - 12:15
- Respawn, developer of Titanfall, is creating a new Star Wars game - 04:45
- Tesla reports Q1 earnings on par with estimates, aims to reach 500K cars produced two years sooner - 02:00
- Twitter's new Connect tab shows you a personalized list of the best accounts to follow - 01:15
- YouTube will launch a streaming cable service called Unplugged in 2017 - 00:15

Hack a Day - Mvorisek RSS
- Amazing Analysis of a 350,000 LED Airport Art Project - 22:01
- Which Wireless Tech is Right For You? - 19:00