Mvorisek Czech Republic - Michael Voříšek
Archiv: 05.07.2017

Deep in IT - Mvorisek RSS
- Dokončuje se Radeon RX 560D s 896 stream-procesory - 12:00
- Japonci chtějí na Měsíc do roku 2030 - 00:00

PCTuning - Mvorisek RSS

Svět hardware - Mvorisek RSS
- Američané chtějí založit novou vesmírnou odnož ozbrojených sil - 14:50
- Radeon RX Vega v prvních testech: výkon mezi GTX 1080 a 1080 Ti - 13:45
- Prodejce začíná omezovat prodej SNES Mini, jen 1 kus na zákazníka - 13:20
- Samsung připravuje soběstačný VR headset - 12:40
- Thermaltake představuje Toughpower iRGB 1250W, zdroj s RGB LED - 02:08

TechSpot - Mvorisek RSS
- Graphene may be used to thwart counterfeiting - 23:15
- Malfunction at Micron's Fab-2 plant could raise global DRAM prices, delay iPhone 8 shipments - 22:31
- Google may soon be hit with a second record fine from the EU, this time over Android - 21:45
- TechSpot + EaseUS Giveaway: 20 licenses of Todo Backup Home and EaseUS' Data Recovery Pro software - 21:00
- Ubisoft commissions Adi Shankar to develop Assassin's Creed anime series - 20:15
- South Korea's largest cryptocurrency exchange has been hacked - 19:37
- Volvo will manufacture only electric and hybrid vehicles from 2019 - 18:45
- Nokia and Xiaomi enter into multi-year, cross-licensing patent agreement - 18:00
- Photobucket faces wrath of users after quietly introducing $400 per year hotlinking fee - 17:00
- Samsung adds Steam Link streaming app to its smart televisions - 16:00
- Study says a revolution in the sex robot industry is on the way, warns of potential dangers - 15:00
- Razer Lancehead Review: Wireless and Wired Versions Tested - 14:00
- Ticketmaster is using smartphone-based ultrasonic audio to get attendees into events quicker - 13:15
- The Humble Store's DRM-Freedom Sale is live - 00:09

Hack a Day - Mvorisek RSS