Mvorisek Czech Republic - Michael Voříšek
Archiv: 05.11.2018

Deep in IT - Mvorisek RSS
- GlobalFoundries zakládá firmu zaměřenou na semi-custom ASIC - 12:00
- Jolla vydala Sailfish OS 3.0.0 Lemmenjoki - 10:00
- Windows 10 v. 1809 porouchala zálohování registrů - 08:00
- Lisa Su slíbila konkurenceschopná high-end GPU - 00:00

PCTuning - Mvorisek RSS

Svět hardware - Mvorisek RSS
- Hackeři se v Bitcoin scamu opět vydávali za Elona Muska - 22:29
- PortSmash: další vektor pro útoky na CPU Intel a AMD vedlejším kanálem - 14:50
- Warcraft III: Reforged s lepší grafikou, Destiny 2 dočasně zdarma - 14:06
- VR by dle zakladatele Oculus nebyl masový trh ani s headsety zdarma - 13:20
- Intel odhaluje vylepšené Cascade Lake: 48jádrová serverová CPU z více čipů - 11:40
- NASA využije superpočítač na ISS k vědeckým experimentům - 11:00

TechSpot - Mvorisek RSS
- Diablo 2 producer says backlash over Blizzcon keynote was Blizzard's fault - 22:56
- Epic partnership brings NFL uniforms to Fortnite - 22:23
- Free speech-focused social network Gab is back up despite payment processor, web host blacklisting - 21:45
- Serral upsets Korean StarCraft 2 players winning WCS - 21:03
- Nvidia is speed binning its GeForce RTX 2070 - 20:13
- Facebook will experiment with physical retail by opening 'pop-up' shops in nine Macy's locations - 19:40
- 2018 iPad Pro review round-up: almost a suitable laptop replacement - 18:56
- 7-Eleven tests cashier-free shopping in 14 stores - 18:25
- The Boring Company will open its first tunnel next month, here's what it looks like - 17:32
- Verizon is reorganizing to prepare for a 5G future - 16:59
- Apple slashes iPhone XR production orders as demand fails to meet expectations - 16:25
- Amazon is offering free shipping with no minimum purchase - 15:53
- Huawei Mate 20 Pro users reporting faulty, green-tinted screens - 15:19
- Apple's T2 chip stops snoopers by physically disabling MacBooks' mics when lid is closed - 14:47
- Don't settle for anything less than one of the best VPN services, now 66% off - 14:19
- Microsoft is replacing Windows 10's Volume Mixer - 13:33
- AKRacing Arctica gaming chair review: style meets comfort - 12:49
- Improve Windows Start Menu's Search or Simply Install a Better Replacement - 12:10
- The iPhone X-style Motorola One arrives in the US this week - 11:21
- Intel launches the Xeon E-2100 and teases Cascade Lake Advanced Performance CPUs - 08:00

Hack a Day - Mvorisek RSS
- Breathing Underwater Using Wind Power - 22:00
- Scratch Built Toe Clamps Keep Your Work In Place - 20:30