Mvorisek Czech Republic - Michael Voříšek
Archiv: 05.12.2019

Deep in IT - Mvorisek RSS
- 14nm Rocket Lake by nakonec mohl mít jádra z 10nm Tiger Lake - 12:00
- S 10nm grafikami Intel Xe to prý nevypadá dobře, budou zpožděné - 08:00
- Mobilní Radeon RX 5300M je podle prvních testů rychlejší než GeForce GTX 1650 - 07:00
- Radeon RX 5600 potvrdili dva výrobci, vypadá to na lednové uvedení - 00:00

PCTuning - Mvorisek RSS

Svět hardware - Mvorisek RSS
- Radeony RX 5500 XT se objevily v obchodě, jaké jsou a kolik stojí? - 20:00
- HIS přichází s Radeony RX 5700 XT Pink a Blue Army - 18:20
- AMD Zen 4 na 5nm procesu dle China Times přijdou na začátku 2021 - 16:30
- Sonda Parker objevila zdroj slunečního větru - 15:00
- Z Firefoxu zmizela rozšíření Avast a AVG, sbírají příliš mnoho dat o uživatelích - 14:20
- Optix MAG161V: první přenosný herní monitor od MSI - 13:50
- NVIDIA by nás chtěla překvapit představením 7nm generace GPU - 12:20
- Microsoft má stále plánovat dvě konzole, Lockhart bude levnější - 11:50

TechSpot - Mvorisek RSS
- Apple further clarifies iPhone 11's constant requesting of location data - 23:46
- Rocket League update that removes loot boxes has upset many - 23:06
- US politician pleads guilty to using campaign funds for personal purchases, including Steam games - 22:36
- Feds charge Russian hacker group Evil Corp for stealing $100 million from bank accounts - 21:57
- TikTok settles children's data lawsuit one day after it was filed - 21:12
- YouTube abandons old format with Rewind 2019 to avoid another disaster - 20:37
- Apple may launch an iPhone without a Lightning connector in 2021 - 19:05
- Sprint contractor's unsecured AWS bucket exposed thousands of cell phone bills - 18:34
- Huawei sues the FTC after US telecom funds ban - 18:26
- FCC investigation concludes that T-Mobile, U.S. Cellular and Verizon exaggerated 4G coverage in o... - 17:57
- Gwent: The Witcher Card Game is coming to an end on consoles - 16:11
- The most complete Python programming learning bundle on the web is 98% off - 15:57
- Reddit's year in review highlights top posts, topics, and communities - 15:02
- YouTube creators to see decline in subscriber count amid removal of closed accounts on the platform - 14:39
- Nintendo Switch Online is getting even more retro games - 14:07
- Lisa Su appears on the Bloomberg 50 list - 13:35
- Farming Simulator 17, My Friend Pedro among 9 games coming soon to Xbox Game Pass for PC - 13:10
- Intel Core i7-1065G7 Gaming Test: Integrated Graphics Performance - 12:16
- Apple says iPhone 11 Pro collects user data even when location services are disabled - 11:20
- Rundown of Must-Have Portable Apps - 06:42
- Craigslist has finally received its own mobile app - 00:22

Hack a Day - Mvorisek RSS
- Automated Cat Feeder Leaves Little to Chance - 22:00
- Don’t Forget The Baby! - 20:31