Mvorisek Czech Republic - Michael Voříšek
Archiv: 06.01.2014

DIY Drones - Mvorisek RSS
- The flying TETRA Repeater - 22:22
- Turnigy T1000FC Fixed-wing Auto Pilot System With GPS and Return To Home - 19:30
- Telemetry Bridge using Mavcell-Alpha android app - 12:20
- Completely Autonomous (Onboard Processing) Palm-sized Quadcopter - 11:00
- Laser range finder teardown - 09:25
- Nevermind Amazon Prime Drones, Google Has Future Delivery Vehicle With Uber - 09:15
- Victorian UAS Training to open its doors in Australia - 05:00
- A Humorous Take on Delivery Drones - 04:45
- New FPV frame SARQ - 03:30
- Parrot announces new minidrone - 01:30 - Mvorisek RSS
- Když kabel, tak LappKabel - 07:28 - Mvorisek RSS
- ON-LINE: Větší trapas CES nezažil. Slavný režisér bez vysvětlení odešel - 23:33
- Revoluční mobilní čip Nvidia Tegra K1 má 192 jader a schopnosti PC - 11:19
- Indie poslala do vesmíru raketu na kryogenní palivo - 09:38
- CES 2014: Kouzelný kabel za osm stovek převádí Full HD na 4K - 09:30
- Před 130 lety zemřel opat Mendel. Vývoj vědy předběhl o desetiletí - 09:30
- YouTube nabídne 4K rozlišení s kodekem od Googlu, Sony domácí 4K kameru - 00:01
- Tipy pro Windows 8.1: Tichý chod nebo animovaná startovní obrazovka - 00:00
- CES 2014: „Zázraky“, o kterých se píše už léta, konečně míří na trh - 00:00 - Radek Hulán - Mvorisek RSS

Deep in IT - Mvorisek RSS
- CES 2014: Trend je jasný, čeká se až 150 4k / UHD produktů - 12:30
- Nvidia ohlásila Tegra K1: 64bit ARM + 192core Kepler GPU - 10:45

PCTuning - Mvorisek RSS

Svět hardware - Mvorisek RSS
- Philips a 27" s NVIDIA G-Sync a 28" s Ultra HD - 12:15
- QNAP na CES 2014: nové NAS i operační systém - 10:55
- Lenovo: levný 28" Ultra HD i model s Tegrou a Androidem - 10:12

TechSpot - Mvorisek RSS
- Roku announces smart TVs with built-in streaming coming this Fall - 23:30
- Nvidia begins certifying PCs and routers that meet Shield streaming standards - 22:45
- Philips announces 27-inch monitor equipped with Nvidia G-Sync technology - 22:00
- Digital Storm, CyberPowerPC unveil Steam Machines at dramatically different price points - 21:15
- AT&T's new sponsored data program lets content providers pay for your wireless data usage - 20:30
- Blizzard warns of harmful information-stealing Trojan affecting WoW players - 19:45
- Lenovo's best Ultrabook just got better with the refreshed ThinkPad X1 Carbon - 19:00
- Linksys brings back the iconic WRT router with a revamp - 18:15
- Nvidia unveils Tegra K1 SoC with 192 CUDA cores, Kepler architecture - 17:30
- Vizio reveals aggressively priced consumer 4K TVs, drops all 3D support - 17:00
- Steam Machines from over a dozen partners to be showcased at CES - 16:15
- World's first connected toothbrush surfaces at CES, encourages better dental hygiene - 15:30
- Yahoo's advertising network hit with massive malware infection - 14:15
- Acer unveils new 7- and 7.9-inch Iconia tablets, starting at $130 - 12:45
- Asrock Z87 Extreme11/ac Review: 22 SATA ports, 4-way GPU support and more - 05:01

Hack a Day - Mvorisek RSS
- Current Limiting Diode Use and Tutorial - 22:01
- Hackaday: The Gathering - 19:01

Freescale Semiconductor - Mvorisek RSS
- Freescale-Enabled Wearables Reference Platform (WaRP) Supports Multiple Applications, Unleashes D... - 07:00

Microchip Technology - Mvorisek RSS
- Low-Power Sensor Hub Makes Sensor Fusion Easy; Partnered With Leading Sensor Manufacturers for Ma... - 08:00

Tektronix - Mvorisek RSS
- RFXpress RFX100 - 15:30
- RFXpress RFX100 - 15:30
- TekExpress Thunderbolt - 15:30
- 80SJNB - 15:30