Mvorisek Czech Republic - Michael Voříšek
Archiv: 06.03.2013

DIY Drones - Mvorisek RSS
- What kind of Design do you prefer for your next drone ? - 22:35
- That was fun! - 08:30 - Mvorisek RSS - Mvorisek RSS
- Microsoft dostal od Bruselu pokutu 561 milionů eur. Znovu za Explorer - 12:54
- Kybernetické útoky dnes pokračovaly. Terčem byly servery českých bank - 11:02
- Internet mimo provoz? DDoS útok lze koupit za pár korun - 00:00
- Německo letos spustí nejvíce uhelných elektráren za dvacet let - 00:00

Deep in IT - Mvorisek RSS
- Intel HD Graphics 5200 bude vždy vybavena eDRAM - 00:00
- AMD Kaveri ponese dva paměťové řadiče: DDR3 i GDDR5 - rozbor - 00:00

PCTuning - Mvorisek RSS

Svět hardware - Mvorisek RSS
- Gigabyte představil svou nejlepší desku pro Haswell - 13:30
- Level 10 M Headset - perlička z CeBITu - 13:30
- Enermax ukázal pasivně chlazený 650W zdroj - 13:00
- Lenovo si připravilo IdeaPady s dotykovými displeji - 12:00
- Ricoh P3000 pro videokonference v cloudu - 11:20
- Apple a Beats Audio možná spustí novou hudební službu - 11:00
- Biostar také představil desky pro Haswell - 10:30
- ASRock ukázal své první desky s LGA 1150 - 10:30
- Genius ohlásil herní myš X-G510 - 10:00

TechSpot - Mvorisek RSS
- Samsung to buy 3% stake in Sharp for $112 million - 23:30
- Latest Humble Bundle supports Android, offers Super Hexagon, more - 23:00
- Apple met with Beats regarding streaming music service partnership - 22:30
- eBay closes Instant Sale service following site redesign - 22:00
- Valve's Steam Box game system to begin testing in 3-4 months - 21:30
- Microsoft fined Â561m for not showing browser ballot on Win7 SP1 - 20:30
- Galaxy Note III: The next, next big thing from Samsung in 2013 - 20:00
- Windows 8 / Office bundle costs OEMs $30 after Microsoft slashes prices - 19:30
- Microsoft reverses one-PC Office 2013 licensing restriction - 19:00
- Google+ profiles updated with Local reviews tab, larger cover photos - 18:00
- Google Play celebrates first birthday with special offers - 17:30
- Roku 3 arrives with faster CPU, new UI and private listening mode - 16:30
- Samsung's Galaxy S4 will continue to use a plastic body - 15:30
- Opera releases first beta of new WebKit-powered Android browser - 14:30
- The Pirate Bay says move to North Korea was a hoax - 13:30
- The business of gaming: nickels, dimes, and quarters - 07:34
- EA's DICE to explore Oculus Rift support for future games - 00:00

Hack a Day - Mvorisek RSS
- Dynamic bicycle headlight uses the open road as a display - 22:01
- POV Pong game uses all kinds of smart design - 20:01
- Print your own adjustable lenses - 18:01
- Everything you need to build a light-cured resin 3D printer - 16:01
- Scratch-built bottle cap coffee table pulses to the music - 14:01
- Time-lapse dolly uses some stock parts and a bit of machining work - 12:01
- Quick and easy rocket stove - 04:01
- 24V relay driver circuit - 02:01
- Oreo separators Episode 2 chucks food at your face - 00:01

Tektronix - Mvorisek RSS
- MDO4000 Pre-Amplifier Datasheet - 15:30
- TG700 Software Download V5.62 - 15:30

Podnikání v USA - Mvorisek RSS
- Nevyrovnanost prijmu - 00:12