Mvorisek Czech Republic - Michael Voříšek
Archiv: 06.06.2017

DIY Drones - Mvorisek RSS
- Project Conclusion - 22:30
- Turnigy graphene review: can it increase flight time? - 16:30
- What is the required ESC amps for your motor? - 08:30

Deep in IT - Mvorisek RSS
- Krátce: AMD se distancovala od slev procesorů Ryzen - 19:01
- Plány Micronu s GDDR5X a GDDR6 jsou spíše zklamáním - 16:00
- Patriot Scorch NVMe M.2 SSD využívá pouze PCI Express 3.0 ×2 - 14:00
- Nový iMac Pro ponese Radeon Pro Vega 64 s 4096 SP a 16GB HBM2 - 12:00
- Červnová aktualizace TrueOS 2017 - 10:00
- Šestnáctijádrový ThreadRipper vyjde na polovinu šestnáctijádrového Skylake-X - 08:00
- Názor: Pokud Nokia bude aktualizovat na nové verze Androidu, může uspět - 00:00

PCTuning - Mvorisek RSS

Svět hardware - Mvorisek RSS
- Boj o Toshibu: Foxconn získal partnery ve firmách Apple a Amazon - 16:52
- Dragon v sobotu nesl na ISS neobvyklý náklad, a to čínský experiment - 16:18
- Intel chce do konce prázdnin dostat na trh mainstreamové šestijádro - 14:59
- Indové vypustili svou dosud nejtěžší a nejvýkonnější raketu - 14:27
- Apple připravil iMac Pro s Xeonem a Vegou - 14:00
- Microsoft chystá novou verzi Windows 10 pro pracovní stanice - 13:26
- Google Chrome bude od příštího roku blokovat otravné reklamy - 13:00
- Intel vydal grafické ovladače optimalizované i pro DiRT 4 a Tekken 7 - 12:32

TechSpot - Mvorisek RSS
- Apple offers external GPU enclosure to developers, consumer version might arrive next year - 23:30
- Amazon is offering a reduced Prime rate to customers on government assistance - 22:45
- Kaspersky says Microsoft is disabling its anti-virus software in favor of 'inferior' Windows Defe... - 22:00
- Google's new educational program teaches kids how to stay safe online - 21:15
- PlayStation 4 will be discounted to $249 during E3 next week - 20:30
- iOS 11 removes support for 32-bit apps, renders legacy iDevices obsolete - 19:30
- HP announces new Omen gaming laptops, desktop, backpack PC, external GPU and more - 18:45
- China unveils electric road train that runs on painted "tracks" - 18:00
- Apple to share iPhone repair tools with third party shops - 17:30
- British Prime Minister calls for the internet to be regulated in wake of terrorist attacks - 16:45
- New Intel HD Graphics driver for DiRT 4 and Tekken 7 - 16:30
- Bethesda Game Studios is developing a "AAA freemium game" - 15:45
- A 'Breaking Bad' VR collaboration between Vince Gilligan and PlayStation is underway - 14:45
- Australia set up a sting operation and caught Apple technicians lying red-handed - 14:00
- Leaked NSA report reveals Russian hackers targeted voting software firm days before the US election - 13:15
- Samsung Galaxy S8+ Review - 07:00
- Apple refreshes 12.9-inch iPad Pro, unveils new 10.5-inch size - 03:00
- Capcom announces Mega Man Legacy Collection 2, coming this August - 01:30
- Rocket League to celebrate second birthday with major Anniversary Update - 00:30

Hack a Day - Mvorisek RSS
- The Other Kind of Phone Hacking - 22:00

Tektronix - Mvorisek RSS
- 1.5 GHz Active Probe - 16:30
- TDP1500 TDP3500 Differential Probes Datasheet - 16:30
- PPM203B PPM100 Articulated Arm Datasheet - 16:30
- Tektronix Breaks Innovation Barrier AGAIN By Redefining Mid-Range Oscilloscopes - 16:30

Podnikání v USA - Mvorisek RSS
- Muzu zaplatit pozdeji? - 19:01
- 102 tisic dolaru ucet za elektrinu - 01:15