Mvorisek Czech Republic - Michael Voříšek
Archiv: 06.07.2012

DIY Drones - Mvorisek RSS
- New radar system could put drones in domestic airspace in 2014 - 23:08
- The perfect match for the new ublox LEA-6H maybe... - 21:11
- Latest extreme heavy lift multicopter entries in HobbyKing competition - 21:00
- DJI WKM New Features Coming Soon..... - 10:18 - Mvorisek RSS
- Odstartovala raketa Ariane 5. Nesla satelit pro lepší předpověď počasí - 00:11
- Nechcete data zálohovat do cloudu? Zkuste to lokálně - 00:00

PCTuning - Mvorisek RSS

Svět hardware - Mvorisek RSS

TechSpot - Mvorisek RSS
- Weekend game deals: Max Payne 3 $39.99, Civ IV+V $11.99, more - 23:00
- First malware ever found in iOS App Store, malicious app removed - 22:00
- TBP blockade makes no difference, says ISP XS4ALL - 21:00
- Best Buy's new retail layout borrows heavily from the Apple Store - 20:00
- Multiple Kindle Fire 2 tablets are in the works - 19:00
- Apple fixes DRM server bug that led to crashing apps - 18:00
- Rumor: Amazon working with Foxconn to launch smartphone in Q4 2012 - 17:00
- Samsung soars to $5.9bn profit driven by Galaxy smartphone demand - 16:00
- Atrix HD accidentally posted early on Motorola's website - 14:30
- Google Nexus 7 Review: The Best $199 Tablet You Can Buy - 04:02
- Google summer cleaning ends iGoogle, Google Video and others - 01:30
- Fujitsu to offer build-it-yourself PC course to customers - 00:30

Hack a Day - Mvorisek RSS
- Data mining and saving money with Octopart’s historical pricing - 23:01
- OpenGL on the Raspi - 22:01
- Fritz’s, fast food with a robotic slant - 21:01
- Lift beer with quadcopters, win prizes - 20:01
- Android controlled monitor stand uses marbles as ball bearings - 19:01
- Taking a moon light from grayscale to full color - 18:01
- CNC zen gardening - 17:01
- Ancient radio repair - 16:01
- Acrylic RPi case you can make without a CNC machine - 15:01
- Book Review: Eight Amazing Engineering Stories - 14:01
- Turning a bunch of solenoids into a performance of Stomp - 13:01
- 3D DLP printer builds an orange TARDIS - 02:01
- Anti-Sanecraft ARTillery Cannon is farm boy engineering at its finest - 01:01

Tektronix - Mvorisek RSS
- Certus Debug Suite Datasheet - 16:30
- Corus Validation Suite Datasheet - 16:30
- TekExpress MHL AWG Patterns V2.0.0.136 - 16:30