Mvorisek Czech Republic - Michael Voříšek
Archiv: 06.10.2017

DIY Drones - Mvorisek RSS

Deep in IT - Mvorisek RSS
- Jak je to s Gigabytem a nereferenční Vegou - 13:00
- FBI nemusí zveřejnit jak hackla iPhone teroristy ze San Bernardina - 10:30
- Coffee Lake skrývá pastu šedivku a ~150 mm² křemíku - 08:00
- Zemřel bývalý šéf Intelu Paul Otellini (✝66) - 00:00

Svět hardware - Mvorisek RSS
- Mattel zrušil AI chůvičku Aristotle, budila obavy o soukromí - 21:30
- Další super baterie? Asfalt prý zrychlí nabíjení 20násobně - 19:56
- Intel přestane informovat o detailních turbo frekvencích procesorů - 17:20
- Astronauti vystoupili ven z ISS opravit robotickou ruku - 15:30
- Je to oficiální, NASA se vrací zpět na Měsíc - 13:30
- EVGA ukazuje své desky pro Coffee Lake - 11:40

TechSpot - Mvorisek RSS
- Woman discovers someone watching her through her internet-connected camera - 23:29
- 20-year-old chat client AIM is finally closing its doors - 22:11
- Google removes Android Wear from its store, but the platform isn't being killed off - 21:02
- Which of these motherboard form factors has the largest max dimensions? - 20:14
- Tesla's Elon Musk offers to rebuild Puerto Rico's electric grid, governor says "let's talk" - 19:27
- Freebie: LinkedIn for Dummies, 4th Edition ebook - 19:07
- Apple granted Uber's iOS app an entitlement that allowed it to record users' screens - 18:24
- Google Cloud Platform introduces 96-core option with plenty of memory - 17:44
- Lenovo unveils the retro-inspired 25th Anniversary Edition ThinkPad - 16:48
- Total War: Warhammer 2 Review - 15:55
- White House believes Chief of Staff John Kelly's personal phone was breached as early as December - 14:55
- Child-focused, Echo-like "AI babysitter" project cancelled following privacy & psychological conc... - 14:00
- Foxconn chooses Mount Pleasant, Wisconsin for its $10 billion manufacturing facility - 13:15
- Ubisoft releases PC specs for Assassin's Creed: Origins - 01:28
- Facebook seeks to curb the spread of "fake news" by providing publisher details - 00:42