Mvorisek Czech Republic - Michael Voříšek
Archiv: 06.10.2020

Deep in IT - Mvorisek RSS
- Gigabyte uvádí nové BRIX PRO barebone minipočítače na trh - 14:00
- Gigabyte GeForce RTX 3090 GAMING OC 24G a výkon v BOINC GPU projektech - 10:00
- 6 nejočekávanějších her pro říjen 2020: Doma zůstanete rádi i bez koronaviru - 09:00
- AMD si registrovala Infinity Cache - 08:00
- Chlazení Playstation 5 je nečekaně tiché - 00:00

PCTuning - Mvorisek RSS

Svět hardware - Mvorisek RSS
- Crysis nainstalovaný do RTX 3090 prošel testy, ukázaly nějaký rozdíl? - 18:55
- NVIDIA připravuje pro příští rok DPU BlueField-2 pro akcelerované sítě - 18:30
- EVGA zřídila pořadníky na své karty RTX 3000 - 17:50
- Cyberpunk 2077 je hotový a může do lisoven - 17:45
- Need for Speed: Hot Pursuit Remastered bude v listopadu, máme tu HW nároky - 16:20
- Intel Rocket Lake-S nastoupí prý v březnu - 15:20
- SK Hynix vysílá na trh první DDR5 RDIMM - 14:50
- Intel Ice Lake-SP nabírají zpoždění, výrobci serverů odkládají nové modely - 13:05
- GeForce RTX 3090 provozuje Crysis 3 instalovaný do její vlastní paměti - 12:30
- AMD Radeon RX 6000: nabídnou i Infinity Cache? A k čemu? - 12:05

TechSpot - Mvorisek RSS
- Dell UltraSharp monitors refresh: P-series with USB-C, mini-LED backlight, and more - 23:32
- The UK aims to power each home with wind energy by 2030 - 23:10
- Microsoft's Phil Spencer isn't sure if 8K will ever be standard in gaming - 21:22
- Nintendo faces another 'Joy-Con drift' lawsuit, this time from a pre-teen and his mom - 20:48
- Apple to host iPhone 12 event on October 13 - 19:58
- Corsair adds two new entry-level mice to its gaming lineup - 18:32
- Razer is launching a pre-paid Visa card... with a built-in LED, of course - 17:59
- Google Workspace is the new G Suite, integrates many services, gets new logos, and more - 17:09
- SK Hynix launches first DDR5 DRAM modules - 16:27
- Apple removes Logitech, Sonos and Bose audio gear from its stores - 15:46
- Google rolls out fix after ChromeOS update causes 100% CPU utilization, overheating - 15:11
- John McAfee arrested in Spain on tax evasion charges, sued by SEC - 14:27
- Amazon expands its return window for 'most' items to January 31, 2021 - 13:40
- Nvidia RTX 3080 Gaming Performance at 1440p: CPU or Architecture Bottleneck? - 13:03
- Nvidia says RTX 3080/3090 shortages will continue into next year - 12:18
- Historians are rejecting the work of YouTubers that upscale old video footage to 4K - 01:04
- Nvidia Maxine can improve your crappy video calls - 00:23

Hack a Day - Mvorisek RSS
- Making a Modern Version of a Steam Engine from Antiquity - 22:00
- Gesture Controller for Roku and Universal Keyboard Built By UCPLA Dream Team - 20:31

Microchip Technology - Mvorisek RSS
- Microchip Unveils First Low-Power Digital-to-Analog Converter (DAC) that Simplifies Handheld Desi... - 14:15