Mvorisek Czech Republic - Michael Voříšek
Archiv: 06.11.2017

DIY Drones - Mvorisek RSS
- A Drone by Aero-hawk so cleverly named the Field Hawk - 22:54
- Autonomous boat to sail across the Atlantic – Proof of concept - 15:30

Deep in IT - Mvorisek RSS
- Další z Titanů přichází, přivítejte Titan X CE - 16:00
- LG Display představí 80" 8k OLED TV v roce 2019 - 14:00
- ARM a Intel rozšiřují spolupráci, chystají 3,5GHz 10nm - 12:00
- Lexar ujišťuje: XQD karty nekončí - 10:00
- Fall Creators Update prakticky nepomohl podílu Windows 10, stagnují - 08:00
- S mobilní aplikací můžete ovládat domácnost i v MHD či práci, a přitom ušetřit - 01:00
- Test Xiaomi Mi Max 2: jak se žije a hlavně fotí s 6,44" pádlem - 00:00

PCTuning - Mvorisek RSS

Svět hardware - Mvorisek RSS
- Intel Core 8. gen. přijde i s integrovanou grafikou AMD Radeon a HBM2 - 21:19
- Intel vypustil první FPGA Stratix 10 - 17:30
- Piráti našli recept na Denuvo, budou ho překonávat snáze - 17:00
- CPU Intel s Management Engine provozují OS MINIX a vzbuzují obavy - 16:00
- Razer uvádí Naga Trinity a Tartarus V2 pro MOBA a MMO - 15:00
- Kovové fluidní tranzistory pro novou éru ohebné elektroniky? - 14:30
- Jak hnědý trpaslík způsobil předčasnou smrt svého bratra - 13:30
- Blizzard nabídne StarCraft 2 zdarma i s Wings of Liberty - 12:40

TechSpot - Mvorisek RSS
- Disney has held talks to buy most of 21st Century Fox - 23:31
- Programmer trains neural network to play Super Mario Kart - 22:46
- US mobile trends report: smartphone penetration, upgrade cycles, connected cars and more - 22:01
- OnePlus 5T event is open to the public if you have $40 - 21:17
- PlayStation Trophies are now worth (a very small amount of) money - 20:33
- Elgato's 4K60 Pro capture card is for serious content creators - 19:45
- Apple warns iPhone X owners of potential "burn-in" with new OLED displays - 19:02
- iOS bug stops some people from using the letter "I" on their Apple devices - 18:18
- Rival chipmakers Intel and AMD to collaborate on mobile CPU with integrated graphics - 17:32
- Take on one of app development's hottest tools with this Ethereum training - 17:27
- iPhone X users are inadvertently training Face ID to recognize siblings - 16:52
- Over one million people downloaded fake WhatsApp application from Google Play Store - 16:14
- Broadcom has made a $105 billion unsolicited offer to buy Qualcomm - 15:46
- What was the first HD home video format available to consumers? - 15:33
- Amazon will now offer discounts on items from third-party sellers - 14:56
- Watch Koenigsegg set a 277.9 mph speed record in its Agera RS hypercar - 14:00
- BBC's interactive audio adventure lets listeners control the story with their Alexa devices - 13:15
- New Samsung ad mocks ten years of iPhones - 12:15
- 5 Affordable Last-Gen Smartphones That Are Great Buys - 06:34

Hack a Day - Mvorisek RSS
- Trainspotting with Junk, for Science - 22:00
- Hackaday Prize Entry: A Mess Of VGA On A Breadboard - 20:30