Mvorisek Czech Republic - Michael Voříšek
Archiv: 07.03.2013

DIY Drones - Mvorisek RSS
- My quad, first flight complete - 23:00
- New and simple way to make 3D moves without complex mecanism . - 21:10
- Community Service Projects using Drones - 19:50
- Congratulations to Tom Coyle! - 19:46
- New Skywalker models coming - 19:00
- Rand Paul's Drone Filibuster - 15:03
- Quadcopter Workshop - 14:30
- Sparkfun 2013 AVC Update - 13:30
- Vibration Reduction - 07:14
- Infrared camera for less than $300 - 06:24
- My First TRICKS! - 05:00
- 9 States Wrestling With Legislation On Drones - 03:40
- Otter Tail County wants drone to survey, not to spy - 00:16
- Announcing the DroneSpeak website - 00:00 - Mvorisek RSS
- Američan chtěl „zabít“ robota, oživil vášnivou debatu o využití strojů - 16:00
- Čtvrtý den útoků. Terčem jsou weby mobilních operátorů - 11:59
- Tipy a triky pro Windows 8: snímky obrazovky a automatické přihlášení - 00:00
- Výstřední luxus: Dell XPS 12 má displej na obrtlíku - 00:00
- Megaupload 2 se chystá na burzu a jeho zakladatel Dotcom připravuje kreditku - 00:00

Deep in IT - Mvorisek RSS
- EU chce zakázat porno! - 00:00

PCTuning - Mvorisek RSS
- Fitness programy – k bystrému mozku patří i tělo - 14:00
- HP Envy x2 – hybridní elegán s přestřelenou cenou - 04:00

Svět hardware - Mvorisek RSS
- Recenze: Kindle Paperwhite: to nejlepší pro čtení knih? - 01:00
- Asus si připravil GeForce GTX 670 pro sestavy s Mini ITX - 11:40
- Patriot nabídne malé a jednoduché flash disky s USB 3.0 - 11:00
- TP Link má nový Wi-Fi extender - 08:00
- MSI také ukázalo desku s LGA 1150 - 07:30
- Canon uvádí skener CanoScan pro náročné - 07:00

TechSpot - Mvorisek RSS
- Apple patent would let you sell your iTunes content to others - 23:00
- Iceland drafts Internet porn ban, EU considers "self-regulated" approach - 22:30
- SimCity hotfix to disable non-critical gameplay features - 22:00
- Google testing same-day delivery service - 21:00
- Nvidia PhysX and APEX support coming to the PlayStation 4 - 20:00
- ModernMix lets you run Windows 8 apps as desktop apps - 19:00
- Nokia supports Apple in Samsung product sales ban effort - 18:00
- Asus' dual-booting Transformer AiO starts at $1,299 this spring - 17:27
- Rumor: Intel discussing possible deal to produce Apple chips - 16:03
- Android 4.x installations overtake 2.3 Gingerbread after 17 months - 14:30
- NPD Group says 78 percent of 'core gamers' purchase used games - 13:30
- Testing Nvidia's $1,000 Graphics Card: GeForce GTX Titan Review - 07:44
- Department of Justice approves T-Mobile, MetroPCS merger - 00:30

Hack a Day - Mvorisek RSS
- BGA rework station - 22:01
- Shock sword works best on foes who fight with multiple blades - 20:01
- Fabricating edible LEDs - 18:01
- Debian Linux on a PowerMac 7200 - 16:01
- DIY space experiments within a ping pong ball ‘satellite’ - 14:01
- Wiimote Controlled RPi Robot - 12:01
- This Maglite is a BB Gun - 04:01
- A real thermal imaging camera for $300 - 02:01
- Beautiful replica Team Fortress 2 weapons - 00:01

ON Semiconductor - Mvorisek RSS
- Step Dimmable QR Primary Side Current-Mode Controller with Thermal Foldback for LED Lighting - 23:39
- Dimmable QR Primary Side Current-Mode Controller with Thermal Foldback for LED Lighting - 23:38
- Step Dimmable QR Primary Side Current-Mode Controller for LED Lighting - 23:35
- QR Primary Side Current-Mode Controller for LED Lighting - 23:34