Mvorisek Czech Republic - Michael Voříšek
Archiv: 07.03.2017

DIY Drones - Mvorisek RSS
- Autonomous Exploration and Mapping in Darkness - 22:00
- The differences between the various Skywalker series - 16:00
- F5J based UAV platform - 03:00

Deep in IT - Mvorisek RSS
- AMD představuje Naples, až 32jádrové a 64vláknové procesory pro servery - 14:00
- Futuremark chystá VRMark pro DirectX 12 - 12:00
- Nový 4MLinux 21.0 pro vaše mechem obrostlé PC - 10:00
- Nomenklatura Ryzenu aneb co znamenají čísla a písmena v názvech - 08:00
- Co nabídne Linux 4.11 - 00:00

PCTuning - Mvorisek RSS

Svět hardware - Mvorisek RSS
- Recenze: Toshiba OCZ VX500: mainstream s MLC - 01:00
- Hyperloop One odhaluje svou testovací dráhu v Nevadě - 22:46
- Doprava budoucnosti: Volkswagen představil koncept samořiditelného auta - 20:33
- Logitech přináší mechanickou herní klávesnici G Pro v přenosném provedení - 19:02
- AMD uvádí Naples: 32jádrové serverové Zen - 16:22
- Ceny GeForce zamířily dolů i o několik tisíc korun - 15:50
- Sonda Maven se málem srazila s Phobosem - 12:59
- QNAP uvádí elegantní TS-453Bmini se čtyřjádrovým Intelem - 12:36
- NASA navrhuje vybudovat u Marsu umělé magnetické pole - 11:55
- Windows 10 nabídnou více možností, jak se vyhnout aktualizačním restartům - 11:10

TechSpot - Mvorisek RSS
- New Radeon Crimson Hotfix adds support for Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon Wildlands - 23:15
- If you lost your Windows password, how would you regain access to the account? - 22:30
- Razer launches zVault, a digital wallet and rewards program for gamers - 21:45
- Defendant in murder case gives prosecutors permission to examine Amazon Echo recordings - 20:30
- WikiLeaks publishes massive collection of CIA hacking documents - 19:30
- Land Rover's Discovery rescue vehicle comes with its own roof-mounted drone - 18:30
- DoNotPay "robot lawyer" can now help refugees apply for asylum protection - 17:45
- Cars need digital safety standards too - 17:00
- The Galaxy S8 has reportedly been delayed (but only by a week) - 16:15
- Fitbit unveils new Alta HR activity tracker - 15:15
- Facebook reports BBC investigators to police after they flag child abuse images on platform - 14:00
- Spammers accidentally expose database of 1.4 billion addresses - 13:00
- Twitch's new feature is like a social network for game fans - 12:15
- Tackling the subject of GPU bottlenecking and CPU gaming benchmarks, using Ryzen as an example - 07:15
- Sedric is Volkswagen's first self-driving concept vehicle - 02:00
- Warhammer 40,000: Dawn of War III launches on April 27th - 01:00
- Blue Origin shows off its first fully assembled rocket engine - 00:15

Hack a Day - Mvorisek RSS
- Open Source Firmware For A Cheap Programmable Power Supply - 22:00
- Better Linux Through Coloring - 20:31

ON Semiconductor - Mvorisek RSS
- ESD Protection Diode - 22:02
- Surge Protection Device - 21:43
- Full Frame CCD Image Sensor, 9.1 MP - 00:08