Mvorisek Czech Republic - Michael Voříšek
Archiv: 07.06.2014

DIY Drones - Mvorisek RSS
- My Drone VS the Police. Kicked out of public park! - 22:30
- The sPRUnal chord of Beaglepilot - 22:10
- Project Tango 3D mapping with 3DR Iris - 20:30
- obstacle avoidance test - 19:30
- BeaglePilot: MAVProxy connection now working - 11:45
- VR Brain Micro 5.0 : VRX Personal Fly Robot SDK the perfect fly platform for test all the feature... - 11:15
- Glimpse of the creative potential of new ArduCopter 3.2 Spline feature - 07:00
- Flexible Battery Material - 05:05
- Arduino-ardupilot IDE updated for Arduino 1.0.5 and avr-gcc 4.8.1 - 02:21
- VR PAD Station 2.0.5 for Pad and Smartphone support APM , PIXHAWK , VRBRAIN . Now available no fl... - 00:00 - Mvorisek RSS
- CIA už můžete sledovat i vy. Americká rozvědka je na Twitteru - 20:24
- Den D: Pět nejkrvavějších i úsměvných příhod z nejdelšího dne lidstva - 00:00

Svět hardware - Mvorisek RSS

TechSpot - Mvorisek RSS
- 'Game of Thrones' theme played on a homemade NES keytar - 18:45
- Weekend Open Forum: Do you like product leaks? - 01:30
- iOS 8 will be able to scan and enter credit card data using the iPhone's camera - 00:30

Hack a Day - Mvorisek RSS
- Track Your Dog With This DIY GPS Harness - 22:01
- How to Upgrade Jasper’s Voice Recognition with AT&T’s Speech-to-Text API - 19:01