Mvorisek Czech Republic - Michael Voříšek
Archiv: 07.06.2016

DIY Drones - Mvorisek RSS
- How to control your drone from anywhere using 3DR Tower and GlobalARC - 19:30
- Air Tractor® Makes Entry into the UAS Market - Acquires Yield Defender - 00:30

Deep in IT - Mvorisek RSS
- MacBook Pro s OLED displejem ponese Polaris - 16:00
- Zeman podepsal zákon zavádějící cenzuru internetu v ČR - 13:58
- Nvidia Fast Sync v kostce - 12:00
- Vyšel Linux Lite 3.0 se spoustou novinek - 10:00
- GeForce GTX 1070 může být integrovaná na základní desce - 08:00
- 13 zastavení s x86 CPU AMD a Intel - 00:00

PCTuning - Mvorisek RSS

Svět hardware - Mvorisek RSS
- Google učí svá autonomní auta ohleduplně troubit - 21:33
- Čočky z oxidu titaničitého slibují mimořádné vlastnosti - 18:26
- SilverStone SX700-LPT: malý, výkonný a vysoce efektivní - 17:40
- Galax GTX 1080 HOF: 2,2 GHz se vzduchem, 2,5 GHz s LN2 - 15:17
- Gigabyte Designare: nová řada základních desek s X99 a Z170 - 14:12
- Intel vypustil Broadwell-EX s 24 jádry a 60 MB L3 - 12:42
- Asus chystá LCD se 4K a 144 Hz - 11:34
- Astronauti z ISS poprvé vkročili do nafukovacího modulu BEAM - 10:30

TechSpot - Mvorisek RSS
- Microsoft launches Trello-like Planner app for Office 365 subscribers - 23:45
- Would you spend $800 on a laundry-folding robot? - 23:00
- Facebook and Netflix scan leaked data sets for recycled passwords - 22:00
- The US Navy's Iron Man-style diver's helmet takes augmented reality beneath the sea - 21:15
- Comcast's speedy gigabit Internet service now available in Nashville - 20:45
- Wolfenstein 2, Prey 2, and Dead Rising 4 rumored for E3, but new consoles may steal the spotlight - 19:45
- Samsung phones with bendable screens could arrive next year - 19:00
- Smartphone sales growth forecasted to dip into single digits this year - 18:00
- The evolution of cloud computing - 17:15
- Ex-NASA chief's neural computing startup reveals 256-core processor and voice recognition system - 17:00
- Mitsubishi Outlander hybrid hacked using mobile app, Wi-Fi - 16:30
- Tesla says Model X logs show recent crash was due to driver's actions, not caused by autopilot - 15:30
- Watch this modified Nintendo Power Glove control a drone - 14:30
- Ubisoft releases Watch Dogs 2 teaser ahead of tomorrow's big reveal; release date now confirmed - 13:15
- HTC 10 Review: An impressive return to form for HTC - 07:00
- Bose launches QuietComfort QC35 wireless headphones - 01:15
- Pandora isn't for sale; planning on-demand service at a sub-$10 price point - 00:15

Hack a Day - Mvorisek RSS
- RC Beer Crate Handles Rough Terrain like a Pro - 22:01
- AM, The Original Speech Transmission Mode - 19:01