Mvorisek Czech Republic - Michael Voříšek
Archiv: 07.08.2013

DIY Drones - Mvorisek RSS
- How I got from 148% to 4% on compassmot - 20:30
- Hawaii Drone Article - 20:00
- FPV Maiden of QAV500G with Brushless Gimbal. Windy! - 18:30
- FPV at (my) St. Xaviers School on my MultiWii quad - 16:41
- Octo X8 Coaxial - testing motor redundancy - 12:30 - Mvorisek RSS
- Výkonový Step-Up měnič na 12V - 08:19 - Mvorisek RSS
- Kus Česka ve vesmíru. Na Kleti pojmenovali svou tisící planetku - 09:45
- Vyzbrojte si tablet jako generální ředitel IBM v Česku - 08:18
- OBRAZEM: Evropský letoun Atlas je větší než americký vzor Hercules - 00:00

Deep in IT - Mvorisek RSS
- S deskou MSI nyní získáte 100GB VIP kredit na ulož.to v hodnotě 350 Kč - 16:45
- Wine 1.7: spousta oprav, včetně Photoshopu CS2 - 15:17

PCTuning - Mvorisek RSS

Svět hardware - Mvorisek RSS
- Recenze: Cooler Master Silencio 650 Pure: hlavně tiše - 02:00
- MSI uvádí GeForce GTX 760 HAWK - 17:30
- Kingston uvádí SSD a paměti série Na'Vi - 16:00
- MSI připravilo malý All in One AP1920 - 15:00
- Lian Li odhalil middle tower PC-10N - 14:00
- Google, IBM, Mellanox, Nvidia a Tyan budou stavět datová centra - 11:00
- GeIL a nová řada pamětí EVO POTENZA - 02:05

TechSpot - Mvorisek RSS
- Facebook borrows from Twitter's playbook with Trending Topics - 23:45
- South Korean city launches fleet of wirelessly charged buses - 23:00
- Amazon Appstore now supports web-based apps - 22:30
- Yahoo's 30 days of change campaign will end with new logo design - 21:30
- PC gamers fuel hardware sales in otherwise stagnant market - 20:30
- Ubuntu Edge smartphone not likely to meet crowdfunding goal - 19:30
- LG ditches Optimus branding with flagship G2 smartphone - 19:00
- Microsoft's new web tool allows easy Windows Phone app creation - 18:30
- Gaming legend John Carmack joins Oculus Rift as CTO - 17:34
- WhatsApp adds push-to-talk voice messaging, breaks past 300M monthly active users - 17:17
- Chrome draws criticism for storing passwords unprotected - 15:55
- Water-damaged Galaxy S 4 Active phones getting replaced, one-time swap policy is confirmed - 15:30
- IBM to license Power chip design for custom cloud servers - 14:00
- Apple's Newton, 20 years later: it was a failure, but oh - you could smell the future - 10:19
- Google awarded patent for alternative unlocking patterns in Android - 02:45
- Facebook improves News Feed, recycles older posts with Story Bumping - 01:15
- Facebook recycles older posts with Story Bumping - 01:15
- Firefox 23 arrives with new social button, mixed content blocker - 00:15

Hack a Day - Mvorisek RSS
- How to use the Kenetis KL25Z Freedom board as an HID mouse - 23:01
- A cable box becomes a network time display - 21:01
- A $5 ARM development board - 19:01
- Soundball bumps to your tunes - 18:01

Freescale Semiconductor - Mvorisek RSS

ON Semiconductor - Mvorisek RSS

Tektronix - Mvorisek RSS
- RFM220 ISDB-Tb Measurement Demodulator Datasheet - 16:30
- Digital and Mixed Signal Oscilloscopes - 16:30

Podnikání v USA - Mvorisek RSS
- Ach jo.. dalsi firma:-) - 19:34